DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorKuo, Chia-Chiehen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著兩岸經貿往來的發展,營建業已進入中國大陸拓展業務。而隨著兩岸經貿往來的進一步便利和發展,台灣營建業亦會有更多機會參與中國大陸規模龐大的城市化建設之中。而在此種前景之下,對於中國大陸城鄉規劃制度等的研究更凸顯其必要性。 所謂的城鄉規劃,依中國大陸話語體系而言,乃指對於城市和鄉村之土地的利用與空間佈局之規劃。中國大陸的城鄉規劃之概念,自1949年以來,承襲蘇聯概念,經過多次變遷,目前已大致形成將城市和鄉村統籌統一規劃之體系。中國大陸城鄉規劃概念之變遷,實乃緊隨中國大陸城市化之進程。與此同時,城鄉規劃法律制度亦緊隨城市化之發展,經歷了起步、停滯、恢復、發展、完善的五個時期,目前已經基本形成了以《城鄉規劃法》為核心,相關行政法規、地方性法規、自治條例、單行條例、相關規章和其他法律法規,包括地方規範性文件在內的較為完整的法律體系。 但從城鄉規劃的公眾參與制度、監督制度和救濟制度三個層面來審視中國大陸的城鄉規劃制度,可以發現:公眾參與制度規定空泛而缺乏實際執行之規定,公眾參與程式缺失、參與途徑匱乏;監督制度重視權力對權力之監督,試圖以人大監督的方式實現公眾之監督,使中國大陸城鄉規劃監督制度之主體過於精英化,而司法、輿論之監督缺失;而救濟制度則更是問題重重,《城鄉規劃法》不僅未對公民的救濟途徑做出具體的規定,試圖以權力制約權力的方式實現救濟,而且事實上不允許司法救濟的存在。 而從整體角度來審視中國大陸的城鄉規劃制度,在法律體系上,其法律體系結構不合理、地方性立法不統一、城鄉規劃權力配置不合理、程式控制不嚴;在實踐反饋上,政府極易濫用城鄉規劃權、行政效率與能力低下、城鄉規劃權威性不足、忽視公眾利益。更是問題重重。反觀其他主要國家之行政規劃法律制度,均設置合理之程序以促進公民之參與,加強輿論與公民之監督,重視司法救濟。 綜合而言,中國大陸之城鄉規劃制度問題重重,隨著立法法等新一批法律的出台,部分立法體系之問題似能得到解決。但隱藏在重重問題背後的,是行政權力的不受約束和法學思維的束縛,這些問題能否在未來得到解決,仍有待觀察。 關鍵詞:中國大陸、城鄉規劃、城鄉規劃法律制度、城鄉規劃公眾參與制度、城鄉規劃監督制度、城鄉規劃救濟制度zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the development of cross-strait economic and trade exchanges, construction industry has entered the mainland in China to expand its business. With further facilitate and develop cross-strait economic and trade exchanges. Taiwan's construction industry will also have more opportunities to participate in China's large-scale urbanization construction. Under such prospects, the Chinese mainland and other studies of urban and rural planning system to highlight its necessity. The so-called urban planning, according to the Chinese mainland in terms of discourse system shall relate planning of urban and rural land use and layout of the space. The concept of urban and rural planning in mainland China, since 1949, inherited the Soviet concept, after several changes, the current system has largely formed the urban and rural co-ordination of unified planning. The concept of urban and rural planning changes in China, followed by an exercise in the process of urbanization in China. At the same time, urban planning legal system has followed the development of urbanization, through the start, stagnation, recovery, development and improvement of five periods, has been basically formed a "Town and Country Planning Act," as the core, the relevant administrative regulations, local regulations, autonomous regulations, separate regulations, related regulations and other laws and regulations, including local normative documents, including a relatively complete legal system. However, from the public participation in urban ,rural planning system, monitoring system and the maintenance system to look at the three levels of urban and rural planning system in mainland China, can be discovered: vague provisions on public participation system and the lack of practical implementation of the provisions, lack of public participation in the program, lack of participatory approaches; Supervision System attention to the power of the supervisory authority, tried to supervise by the NPC way to achieve public supervision, the main body in China's urban and rural planning and monitoring system is too elitist, and justice, the lack of public oversight; and relief system is even more problematic, "Town and Country Planning Act," not only did not make way for relief to the citizens of specific provisions, tried to restrict the powers of the way to achieve power relief, and in fact does not allow judicial relief. From the overall perspective to look at urban and rural planning system in mainland China, in the legal system, the irrational structure of its legal system, local legislation is not unified, urban planning authority irrational allocation, program control is lax; feedback in practice, the government pole easy to abuse the right to urban and rural planning, administrative efficiency and low capacity, inadequate rural planning authority, ignoring the public interest. It is problematic. In contrast administrative planning legal systems of other major countries, are set to reasonable procedures to promote citizen participation, strengthen the supervision of public opinion and the citizens, the importance of judicial relief. Overall, urban and rural planning system in mainland China is problematic, with the introduction of a number of legal and other new legislation law, the question part of the legislative system seems to get resolved. But hidden behind numerous problems and legal thinking is unconstrained administrative power constraints, these problems can be resolved in the future remains to be seen. Keywords: China, urban planning, urban and rural planning legal system, public participation system in urban and rural planning, urban planning supervision system, urban planning relief systemen_US
dc.subjecturban planningen_US
dc.subjecturban and rural planning legal systemen_US
dc.subjectpublic participation system in urban and rural planningen_US
dc.subjecturban planning supervision systemen_US
dc.subjecturban planning relief systemen_US
dc.titleA Study of The Urban and Rural Planning Law of Mainland Chinaen_US