Title: 新竹縣客家老飲食店的創新經營模式
The Innovative Management of Hakka Restaurants in Hsinchu County Taiwan
Authors: 陳燕蓉
Keywords: 客家飲食店;客家餐廳;創新經營;產品創新;製程創新;服務創新;Hakka restaurant;Hakka diet;innovation theory;innovation of manufacturing process;service innovation
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 客家老飲食店是許多客家人成長的記憶,更是共同的回憶。面對新時代的挑戰,老味道如何傳承與發展?無疑是客家飲食文化愛好者與研究者刻不容緩的關切。本研究選取新竹縣五家超過一甲子的客家老飲食店:新福(竹東鎮)、美濃樓(芎林鄉)、清香(關西鎮)、日勝(新埔鎮)、老復興飲食店(寶山鄉),以質性研究與半結構式問卷研究方法,訪談第二、第三或第四代經營者。在創新管理理論架構上,設定是以創新為軸心,產品、製程及服務創新為三個維度的分析架構,分別探討並綜合比較五家老飲食店在(1)菜色和食材、(2)環境和通路、(3)軟體和硬體等方面的創新經營模式。
Old restaurants are the common childhood memory for most Hakka adults. Now confronted with challenges of new age, how can these old restaurants keep their old flavors inheirted and developed? It’s no doubt one of the most concerns for both the Hakka diet culture lovers and researchers. This study using qualitative method and half-structural questionaire has selected five old restaurants running for over sixty years in different districts of Hsinchu County: Hsin-Fu (Chu-tung Township), Mei-Long-Lou (Chiung-lin Township), Chin-Hsiang (Quan-xi Township), Jih-Shen (Shing-pu Township), and Lao-Fu-Hsin (Bao-shan Township). The second, third, or maybe fourth generation of the owners has been interviewed. Based on the structure of innovative management theory and drawn from innovation as the axis, the study is conducted in three dimensions: product, manufacturing process, and services, exploring the management models of the five restaurants in aspects of (1) cuisines and materials, (2) surroundings and logistics (3) of software and hardware.
The conclusion is as following:(I)Product Innovation Dimension:(1)Deliciousness overrides both tradition and innovation.(2)Technology is adopted to share good taste of food despite of distance.(II)Manufacturing Innovation Dimension:(1)The amount of seasoning is adjusted to reflect new health concept.(2)Ancient cooking methods help to preserve tasty savors for generations.(III)Service Innovation Dimension:(1)Emphasis on clean and neat surroundings builds up bright and pleasant atmosphere.(2)Setting up an ordering system brings a win-win situation to both customers and vendors.(IV)Of both Product and Manufacturing Process:(1)Materials are obtained on daily basis to assure the freshness of food.(2)The material quantity is handled on daily basis. No overnight materials can be used.(V)Of both Manufacturing Process and Service:(1)New cookwares expedite serving dishes.(2)Hand-made products bring delicious savor home.(VI)Of Service and Products:(1)Employees responsible for each jobs keeps diners from waiting too long.(2)Emphasis, on hygiene of food and drinks, secure and natural food as well.(VII)The core of innovation:Insistence on Hakka tastes as the principle and spirit has built up the golden brand of the restaurants. But if not keeping up with time in the innovation of products, manufacturing process and services, they might have been eliminated by time.
Appears in Collections:Thesis