標題: 心理距離及語言框架對接收訊息強度之影響
Strong Message for Customers? From Construal Level and Framing Perspective
作者: 陳莞妮
Chen, Wan-Ni
Tang, Edwin
關鍵字: 水平解釋理論;心理距離;時間距離;語言框架;偏好;Construal Level Theory;Psychological Distance;Temporal Distance;Framing;Preference
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究結合心理距離及語言框架,來探討當受測者面對相同的產品/服務,文案中呈現的正負向語言,在不同時間距離上(未來/近期)對決策是否會有影響。利用水平解釋理論我們假設,面對時間距離遠的決策,正向語言可以增加受測者對產品較多的偏好(preference);反之,面對時間距離近的決策,負向語言則會增加較多的偏好。我們利用實驗來測試,受測者將會隨機分配到四種不同的實驗情境中,本研究的有效問卷約為349分,之後再利用變異數分析來檢驗假設。值得注意的是,本研究結果顯示,負向語言在總體上(不管時間距離遠及近)都有較佳的說服效果,可以驅使受測者提升較多的偏好及較立即地購買產品。
Combined psychological distance and framing, this research is to investigate when participants consider the same product or service, if the gain or loss framing will influence their decision making under different temporal distance (distant and proximal). Based on construal level theory, we assume when participants are asked to make decision about distant scenario, gain frame context will increase more preference of compliance. On the other hand, when they are asked about proximal scenario, loss frame context will increase more preference. This experiment is analyzed by ANOVA. It is worth noting that, in this research, we found loss frame is generally more persuasive and powerful than gain frame to increase participants’ preference.