標題: 休閒運動風格與扁平化視覺風格應用程式介面設計 —以Golface高爾夫球場iPad球車服務軟體為例
Leisure Sport Style and Flat Design Style on Application User Interface Design - A Case Study of Golface Golf Cart Version iPad Application Design
作者: 曾泓喻
Tzeng, Hung-Yu
Lin, Ming-Huang
關鍵字: 休閒運動風格;介面設計;扁平化設計;高爾夫球;質性研究;紮根理論;Leisure sport style;UI design;Flat design;golf;qualitative research;Ground Theory
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 隨著科技發展越趨成熟,人們開始將新的技術運用在不同領域以求創新發展,然而在全臺灣64座球場在管理方式卻停留在相當傳統的階段,數位化程度低、資訊回饋貧乏讓球場服務的效率和品質無法提升。綠夾克運動事業股份有限公司開發了一套專門給高爾夫球場使用的數位化管理系統Golface,希望解決高爾夫球場管理的問題並提升服務品質,目前全臺灣已有三間合作球場使用此服務。 研究者於2013年開始進行Golface平版和手機介面設計,然而歷經蘋果電腦推出了iOS 7系統,其視覺風格從過去的「擬物化設計」轉變成「扁平化設計」,造成原版的介面設計已不符時下潮流;另外,初期開發的版本主要的工作在於探索功能的設定,介面流程和服務的項目。而本研究則進一步希望以「休閒運動風格」以及「扁平化設計」作為Golface iPad球場服務系統介面重新設計的重點。 研究過程可分為四個階段:第一階段為前置研究,透過參考文獻了解行動裝置介面的設計原則、視覺扁平化設計的應用以及休閒運動的定義;第二階段為訪談分析,以運動品牌網站和Apps的樣本請設計師和高爾夫球友評估並訪談,並以紮根理論進行分析,歸納休閒運動風格的設計方向;第三階段是設計部份,依照前一階段的歸納的設計準則將Golface球車版iPad服務系統的介面重新設計;最後一個階段透過問卷和焦點團體訪談的方式,請四位設計師評估設計成果並給予回饋。希望本研究能提升這套服務系統,並帶給臺灣高爾夫球場和球友們嶄新的擊球體驗。
With radical technology development, adopting new techniques and applying them to various fields has become a trend of pursuing innovation. However, due to lack of digitalization and relevant knowledge, 64 local golf courses in Taiwan has showed less progressive in golfing management. It is the Green Jacket Sports Company that invented a new digital system to solve the managing problem and enhance the quality of service. Currently, there are 3 golf courses in Taiwan using Golface system to service their customers. The researcher has begun designing Golface mobile and iPad apps since 2013. Nevertheless, after the Apple launched its iOS7 system, the visual design style had converted from the "skeuomorphic design" to " flat design”. It seems that the earlier version of Golface app is out of date. Furthermore, the achievement of the first version is just much able to fulfill the basic functional requirements. Therefore, this study focuses on how to redesign the app with choice tastes- “leisure sport style” and “flat design style”. The studies are divided into four stages. First of all, the researcher investigated the design principles for mobile device interface, the features of flat design, and the possible references of leisure sport style. Secondly, it analyzed samples of sport websites and apps, and evaluated the feedback generated from interviews with designers and golfers with the help of Grounded Theory. Thirdly, redesign the new version of app by following the discovery principles. Finally, four designers were invited to examine this new version by focus group with initial prototype. We wish that this study and new app would bring new experiences to golfers and golf course management in real working system in near future.