標題: 翻轉教室於資優教育的實行與應用之行動研究
The action research of gifted students in flipped classroom
作者: 李世韡
Lee, Shih-Wei
Juang, Jonq
關鍵字: 資優教育;翻轉教室;目標導向理論;Gifted Education;Flipped Classroom;Goal-Orientation Theory
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究目的在於觀察當翻轉教室運用在資優教育上時可能會碰到的問題,並提出解決方法之後,觀察其成效。故採用行動研究的方式,進行為期一學年的教學活動,希望在不停的實施、修正與在實施的過程中,使學生能有更佳的學習成效,同時希望了解學生不同的目標導向與其學習成效的影響,還有透過翻轉教室,學生能夠學習到額外的收穫有哪些?研究發現班上紙筆測驗表現最優異的前幾名皆為趨向精熟型目標的學習者,且此類型學習者表現普遍較穩定。而資優生透過翻轉教室的上課模式,除了原本應該學到的學科知識外,還能夠從討論中獲得許多樂趣、課堂滿意度高,雖然比較花時間,但是還是很願意參與。
The purpose of the research is to conduct the action research on gifted students in flipped classroom for one year. In particular, our focus is three-fold. First, we observe the good and bads when conducting such project. Second we also record our adjustment whenever the problems occur so as to make the whole teaching and learning process more effectively. Third, we use the Goal-Orientation Theory to classify the students and their corresponding learning outcomes are recorded and compared.
Appears in Collections:Thesis