標題: 「Taiwan Run」--國小跨學科領域行動遊戲之設計與評鑑
Taiwan Run: Design and Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Mobile Game for Elementary Students
作者: 陳薇暄
Chen, Wei-Hsuan
Chen, Chao-Hsiu
關鍵字: 跨學科;行動遊戲;遊戲式學習;介面設計;interdisciplinary learning;mobile games;game-based learning;interface design
公開日期: 2015
摘要:   本研究透過結合行動遊戲式學習之特點,設計一款幫助學習者提高運動動機,並能認識台灣在地歷史、地理、文化等領域的學習遊戲系統,名為「Taiwan Run」。本研究於發展階段以個人觀察與文獻收集等方法,分析系統應注意之設計準則,然後依照分析結果設計系統原型。本系統透過跑操場之圈數轉換算成里程數,將之應用於遊戲中,讓學習者如同跑在台灣島上,並於通過各鄉鎮時,進行故事任務,從中學習台灣各地之地方特色。


  This study integrates characteristics of mobile learning with concepts of game-based learning to design a mobile game named “Taiwan Run” to foster students’ motivation of exercise and their understanding about history, culture, and geography of Taiwan. According to results of personal observation and literature review, the researcher decided critical design guidelines for the system interface and functions to develop the system prototype. Individual groups of students input the distance they run on the playfield at the school, and the system will calculate the mileage. In the game, all groups will be competing with one another and running from town to town in Taiwan according to the inputted mileage. As the game-player arriving at a town, a task with story description is triggered, and the player will learn knowledge about the place by executing the task.

  The evaluation of the system prototype includes the expert review and the user testing. First, in the expert-review stage, the QUIS questionnaire and the semi-structured interview were used to collect expert opinions. After the expert review, issues about screen layouts and system response time were raised for revision. Second, in the user-testing stage, 26 elementary students participated in using the revised system for one week. Results of the questionnaires and the interviews in the user-testing stage indicate that the revised system is full of game elements such as play and fun. Yet, the interactivity and challenge levels of the system and controllability and operation of the user interface can be further improved.

  Regarding future research, Apps with the GPS function could be used to track students’ actual behavior so the falsified mileage input could be prevented. Second, more game functions and gamification designs could be added to the system, and the influence of the game elements on student learning could be also investigated.