標題: 常壓氬氣電漿束應用於豬海綿骨標本之殺菌可行性與滲透深度研究
Feasibility and Penetration depth study for Sterilization of Porcine Cancellous Bone using Atmospheric-Pressure Argon Plasma Jets
作者: 沈怡寧
Shen, Yi-Ning
Jang, Wen-Yea
關鍵字: 低溫電漿;骨髓炎;滅菌;清創;Non-thermal plasma;Osteomyelitis;Sterilization;Debridement
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究目的在探討常壓氬氣電漿束應用於豬海綿骨試樣之殺菌可行性與可能殺菌深度。主要內容包含電漿殺菌面積、電漿處理前後細菌形貌觀察、電漿殺菌可行性實驗、電漿殺菌深度實驗。搭配工程穩健設計方法田口法,以較少之實驗次數與數值計算得到不同變因在各水準變化間對結果之影響力。電漿設備使用介電質放電電漿束,骨骼試樣取自成熟豬隻脊椎骨之豬海綿骨骼,實驗菌株則為大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli,E.coli)。實驗結果發現菌量隨處理時間拉長而下降,顯示電漿殺菌可行性。另外菌量隨骨骼深度遞增。由田口法計算可得處理時間由30秒拉長至150秒對結果影響最大,而單多點處理與處理距離次之,且三種變因之因子效應均隨骨骼深度下降。各變因對不同處理目標之影響力也可能大不相同。
This study aims to investigate the feasibility of the application and penetration depth of non-thermal atmosphere pressure argon plasma jet (APPJ) on the bone sterilization in orthopedic surgeries. Toward this end, a series of experiments including the plasma sterilization area on agar plate, the cell morphology observation, the feasibility as well as the penetration depth experiments were conducted. The plasma was generated by dielectric barrier discharge plasma jet. The cancellous bone samples were harvested from porcine vertebra while the bacterial strain was E.coli. The Taguchi method was incorporated to effectively improve the experiment efficiency by reducing test parameters. It was found that bacterial amount decreases with plasma treating time, which indicates the feasibility of plasma sterilization. Meanwhile bacterial amount was seen to increase with increasing depth. In addition, it can be concluded from experimental results that the treating time was the primary factor influencing the sterilization efficiency while the treating points as well as the treating distance were relatively secondary.