作者: CHEN Peng-Yu
WONG Sai-Keung
TSAI Wen-Hsiang
公開日期: 9-Jul-2015
摘要: The present invention provides a sand art simulation system and method, which transfers an image into sand art. Analyze contour lines and feature points of objects in the image to find out which contour line can be drawn at the same time. Divide the image into a plurality of blocks, and analyze sand spilling ways at each block. Simulate sand floating in the air, moving and heaping to make a sand-spread plane. Then draw the contour lines on the sand-spread plane to show the sand art of the image.
官方說明文件#: G06T011/20
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/128676
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20150193952
Appears in Collections:Patents

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