標題: 影響台商赴大陸投資額與投資區位因素之實證研究
Factors Affect Investment Amount and Location Choice: Evidence from Taiwanese Enterprises' Investment in Mainland China
作者: 康信鴻
Hsin-Hong Kang
Wan-Zi Liao
Department of Management Science
關鍵字: 大陸投資;區位選擇;決定性因素;多元迴歸分析;Investment in China;Location choice;Critical factors;Multidimensional regression analysis
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究的主要目的在以區位選擇的角度探討台商過去對大陸各省投資額與投資區位選擇之決定性因素並比較不同廠商特性對於區位選擇的影響,以1991年~2002年9月赴大陸投資的台商為研究對象。更具體而官,本研究以迴歸模型建立二個實證模型:台商赴大陸投資決定性因素實證模型及廠商特性實證模型。經過實證分析結果顯示,1.生產成本是台商赴大陸投資區位選擇重要的因素;台商赴大陸各省投資與外人直接投資總額及工業化程度呈現正相關,證明台商投資傾向有群聚現象;另外一省之基礎建設完整性亦與台商投資呈正相關,顯示台商對於投資環境十分要求。2.在廠商特性實證模型中顯示台商投資仍多集中於沿海省份,但隨著在大陸投資經驗的增加,再投資時將願意進入較內陸、市場規模較小的地區投資;且在所有產業別中商業及運輸業者在區位選擇時的偏好明顯的與其他產業有所區別,出口導向的廠商較傾向於投資在外人聚集之地,顯示廠商特性的確會影響台商之區位選擇。
The major purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of location choice of Taiwanese enterprises' investment in Mainland China with an emphasis on the macroeconomics advantages of individual provinces among China and the different characteristics of every investment enterprise. The study period is from 1991 to 2002. More specifically, this study utilizes the regression method to establish two empirical models: the macroeconomics factor model and the individual characteristics of firms' model. Major findings of this study include 1. In the macroeconomics factor model, we find that the production cost is an important factor to influence Taiwanese enterprises' location choice. Furthermore, Taiwanese enterprises tend to invest in the regional clusters where the total amount of foreign direct investment, the degree of industrialization and the infrastructure are high. 2. In the firms' individual characteristics model, we find that at present, most Taiwanese enterprises still invest in coastal provinces. But with the increase of investment experiences in China, the firms are more willing to invest in the non-coastal, small market sized provinces. Finally, different industries will have different location preferences.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/129021
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 1
起始頁: 15
結束頁: 38


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