Title: | 高時空解析度淹水模擬結合三維視覺展示研究(1/2) High Spatial Precision Point Cloud Data in the Application of Inundation Simulation and 3D Demonstration |
Authors: | 楊錦釧 Jinn-Chuang Yang 國立交通大學 |
Keywords: | 光達數值高程模型;點雲資料;四分樹法;子網格法;LiDar DEM;point cloud data;quadtree technique;subgrid method |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 由於全球氣候變遷效應影響,台灣近年之颱洪極端事件日益嚴重,降雨量及降雨強度亦呈增加趨勢;面對此問題,需認知防洪工程有其保護極限,水文降雨條件超過保護標準時,仍有面臨淹水的可能。水利署目前已經由雨量、流量、水位、潮位等即時監測進行洪水預報作業,於洪水期間發布淹水預警報至防災體系之相關單位及告知民眾,以期降低或避免洪水期間可能發生之災害。過去洪泛模擬常因計算量太大,而採用低解析度的地形資料作為計算格網的建置;然而近年來高解析度地形資料如5 米以下,已經運用於3維街景地理資訊的應用。近年來電腦運算速度不斷提升及利用高效能新的演算法架構,使得洪泛模擬也能應用高解析度地形資料,則有助於往後高精度都市洪泛模擬的發展。此外高時空解析度洪泛模擬結果在3維視覺展示的應用,也需要一併進行先期研究,才能充分發揮高解析地形資料的助益,提供決策者更直接且立體的資料呈現。 This study presents an application of inundation simulation model, 3Di, incorporating quadtree and subgrid techniques to improve the hydrocomputational efficiency while maintaining the simulation resolution up to DEM pixel with capability of handling LiDAR DEM data over a large area. Due to climate change, high intensity rainfall events happen more frequent than ever, which impact the present drainage system and potentially increase the inundation loss. High precision DEM and hydrocomputing speed are required to upgrage the conventional hydrocomputing power. A comparative study is conducted to evaluate the performance of 3Di and a conventional hydrocomputing program,SOBEK. |
Gov't Doc #: | MOEAWRA1040247 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130427 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=11424819&docId=460507 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |