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dc.contributor.author林銘煌 zh_TW
dc.identifier.govdocMOST103-2221-E009-228 zh_TW
dc.description.abstract現今電腦輔助工業設計(CAID)工具對設計師的工作來說,已是不可或缺的,然 而其對設計師的實際助益有限,尤其是對設計工作最重要的創意發想與收斂。除了 肇因於滑鼠鍵盤的操作界面不夠直覺外,工程導向的結構性建模思考與太過專業的 程式撰寫模式,都限制了創造性設計輔助工具的發展。電腦的本質為邏輯的演算, 其所能運算的複雜度遠遠超過人類想像,而人類思考的價值即在於創意與想像力, 若是因為複雜的界面操作或演算結構而限制了創意,那便失去了輔助設計的本意。 建築方面,由於其單一大型量體,分件施工的特性,建築師與程式人員得以利 用電腦複雜的演算,來實現或激發設更多想法,Grasshopper 的出現,為建築師打 破了複雜程式語言所築起的高牆,可以利用視覺化的界面節點,設計與控制變數, 讓造形經由參數的設定而自由衍生,產生更豐富的創意,本研究即以此為出發點, 希望能在造形發展及量產特性有別於建築的產品設計上,導入嶄新的設計思考與流 程。 本研究透過相當普及且結構單純的薄殼產品為範例,以實證方式歸納出造形上 的專家模式,再利用Grasshopper 參數設定與衍生運算上的優勢與特點,導入薄殼 產品的專家模式,發展數位衍生運算精煉設計(Digital Generative Refine Design, DGRD)的工具。讓設計師可以在Routine 及Non-routine Design 的不同工作條件下, 發展與精煉想法,甚至產出非預期之創作,而後,再以專家訪談和業界設計師實際 操作使用的方式,修正與檢驗其可行性,並配合舉行workshop 探索設計思考的脈 絡,最後,針對界面與應用,提出數位衍生運算的輔助設計工具,以及延伸到其它 產品設計上的建議事項。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNowadays, computer aid industrial design (CAID) is the essential tool for designers’ daily jobs. However, it actually can only help designers work more efficiently in modeling but not designing. Not only because it is lock of intuited interface, but also the engineering oriented construction and modeling and the professional programming knowledge restrict the development of creativity in design. The entity of computer is logical calculation, thus computer can operate the complex data better than human. But the value of human thinking is creativity and imagination. If the creativity is constrained due to the complex interface, it does lose the mean of aiding design. In architecture field, due to the volume of a single large volume by gathering the constructive components, architects and programmer can use complex computer calculations to achieve or stimulate great ideas. The new software Grasshopper’s visual interface helps designers deal with complex programming process. Designers can focus on ideas to create varied designs through generative design program by connecting and controlling the nodes and arguments. Base on this new software program, this study hopes to bring this new design processes to the field of product design in which shape development and production methods are distinct from architecture. First of all, due to its simple construct and generalization, it takes shell products (electronic products) as case studies to build the expert structure for modeling. By the advantage of digital generative in Grasshopper, the sample program and interface will be developed to help shape objects easily. It lets designers to develop and refine ideas under different working conditions- Routine and Non-routine design tasks. Moreover, this digital generative refine design (DGDR) tool can help designers to explore unexpected forms. After the first version of DGRD for shell products system is done, its usability will be examined. Later on, by carrying out a workshop experiment, it will continue to explore the design thinking and evolution. Finally, following expert interviews will be carried out to evaluate this system and propose much suitable interface, and final suggestions will be concluded. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship科技部 zh_TW
dc.subject數位衍生設計 zh_TW
dc.subject en_US
dc.titleThe Application of Generative Design Method on Product Formen_US
dc.contributor.department國立交通大學應用藝術研究所 zh_TW
Appears in Collections:Research Plans