Title: | 物理(一)-105學年度 Physics I |
Authors: | 簡紋濱 Open Education Office 開放教育推動中心 |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 課程首頁
一門嚴謹完整的大一普通物理課程,除呈現物理現象外,更重要教導物理現象背後可使用的數學模型,課程中強調微分、積分、微分方程及向量微積分等數學技巧,用這些數學技巧來探索物理世界。是一門針對高中畢業生走向科學、工程專業研究領域的引導課程。 課程概述與目標 本課程的教學目標如下:物理上學期課程包括數學能力、運動學、牛頓力學、圓周運動、能量與動量守恆、轉動動量、靜力平衡、重力、流體力學、振動、波動、聲波、熱力學。 (1) 介紹基本的物理領域範圍的知識 (2) 使用物理圖像來解釋物理機制 (3) 強調微積分、向量微積分等數學技巧在物理領域的應用 (4) 融合物理知識在生活層面的應用 (5) 在此基礎課程中引入半導體物理、奈米科學與量子物理的概念 課程大綱 單元主題 內容綱要 第0章 數學 Quadratic Equation (一元二次方程式的根) Linear Equations (二元一次或三元一次聯立方程組) Binomial Series (二項式定理) Powers, Exponents (指數函數) Logarithms (對數函數) Trigonal Functions (三角函數) Differential Calculus (微分) Partial Differential Calculus (偏微分) Taylor Expansion (泰勒展開) Complex Numbers (複數) Intergration (積分) First Order Differential Equation (一階微分方程) Second Order Differential Equation (二階微分方程) 第一章 測量 Physics and Measurements Measurement Standard - Length, Mass, and Time Matter and Physical Model Dimensional Analysis Unit Conversion Estimates and Order of Magnitude Significant Figures 第二章 一維運動 Motion In One Dimension Postion, Velocity and Speed Instantaneous Velocity and Speed Motion with Constant Velocity Acceleration Motion Diagram Motion with Constant Acceleration Freely Falling Object 第四章 向量與二維運動 Motion In Two Dimensions Vectors Postion, Velocity and Acceleration 2-D Motion with Constant Acceleration Projetile Motion Uniform Circular Motion Tangential and Radial Acceleration Relative Velocity 第五章 運動定律 The Laws of Motion The Concept of Force Inertia Frame and Newton's First Law Mass Newton's Second Law Gravitation Force and Weight Newton's Third Law The Fundamental Forces Application of Newton's Law Frictional Forces 第六章 圓周運動與其應用 Circular Motion and Other Applications Newton's Second Law in Uniform Circular Motion Nonuniform Circular Motion Motion in Accelerated Frames Motion in The Presence of Resistive Force Numerical Integration - Euler's Methods 第七章 能量 Energy of A System Systems and Environments The Scarlar Product of Vectors Work Done by a Constant Force Work Done by a Varying Force Work - Kinetic Energy Theorem Potential Energy Conservative Forces Relation Between Potential Energy and Conservative Forces Energy Diagram and Equilibrium 第八章 能量守恆 Conservation of Energy Nonisolated System - Other Energy Transfer Isolated System Energy Concept for Non-Conservative Forces - Kinetic Friction Power 第九章 動量 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum Linear Momentum and Its Conservation Impulse Collision in One Dimension Collision in Two Dimensions The Center of Mass Motion of A System of Particles Deformable Systems Rocket Propulsion 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis Angular Postion, Velocity and Acceleration Rotational Kinematics Augular and Translational Quantities Rotational Kinetic Energy Calculation of Moments of Inertia Torque The Rigid Body Under A Net Torque Rotational Energy Rolling Motion 第十一章 轉動慣量守恆 Conservation of Angular Momentum Vector Product Angular Momentum and Torque Conservation of Angular Momentum The Motion of Gyroscopes and Tops Quantization of Angular Momentum 第十二章 靜力平衡 Static Equilibrium and Elasticity The Rigid Body in Equilibrium The Center of Gravity Examples of Rigid Body in Equilibrium Elastic Properties of Solids 第十四章 流體力學 Fluids Pressure Variation of Pressure with Depth Pressure Measurements Buoyancy Forces and Archimede's Principle Fluid Dynamics Bernoulli's Equation Other Applications 第十五章 簡諧振動 Oscillation Motion Motion of An Object Attached to A Spring Simple Harmonic Motion Energy of A Simple Harmonic Oscillator Simple Harmonic Oscillator Versus Uniform Circular Motion The Pendulum Damped Oscillation Forced Oscillation 第十六章 波動 Wave Motion Propagation of A Disturbance Traveling Wave Model The Speed of Waves Reflection and Transmission Rate of Energy Transferred by Waves on Strings The Wave Equation 第十八章 駐波 Superposition and Standing Waves Superposition and Interference Standing Waves Standing Waves in Strings Fixed at Both Ends Standing Waves in Air Columns Beats: Interference in Time Non-Simusoidal Wave Patterns 第十九章 溫度 Temperature Temperature and The 0th Law of Thermodynamics Thermometers and The Celsius The Absolute Temperature Scale Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids Thermodynamics of an Ideal Gas 第二十章 熱力學第一定律 The First Law of Thermodynamics Heat and Internal Energy Specific Heat and Calorimetry Latent Heat Work and Heat in Thermodynamics The First Law of Thermodynamics Some Applications of The 1st Law Thermal Energy Transfer 第二十一章 氣體動力學 The Kinetic Theory of Gases Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas Adiabatic Processes for an Ideal Gas The Equipartition of Energy Distribution of Molecular Speed 第二十二章 熱力學第二定律 Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics Heat Engines and The Second Law of Thermodynamics Heat Pumps and Refrigerators Reversible and Irreversible Processes The Carnot Engine Gasoline and Diesel Engines Entropy and Its Changes in Irreversible Processes Entropy on a Microscopic Scale 參考課程書目 PHYSICS for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics,第九版(9th edition) by John W. Jewett, Jr. and Raymond A. Serway 評分標準 項目 百分比 每週作業,網路繳交 24% 每週網路小考 24% 期中考 26% 期末考 26% 上課形式 影音課程:自行上網學習,每週有網路測驗驗證學習效果(計算題) 隨堂作業:網路繳交作業,助教網路批改作業 期中與期末測驗:實際到校測驗,期中一次,期末一次,都是計算題 授課對象:大學生、研究生 預備知識:高中數學、高中物理 |
URI: | http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=1&nid=533 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/132451 |
Appears in Collections: | Open Course Ware |