標題: 劉興欽漫畫中的客家人與客家故事
The Hakka and Hakka Story in Comics of Liu Hsing-chin
作者: 陳德馨
Te-hsin Chen
關鍵字: 劉興欽;大山背;客家人;圖像小說;健康寫實電影;Liu Hsing-chin;DaShanBei;Hakka;Graphic Novel;Healthy
公開日期: 五月-2017
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 劉興欽是臺灣最知名的漫畫家,他所創作的阿三哥、大嬸婆、阿欽與機器人等漫畫明星,在今日仍為大眾所喜愛。劉興欽出生於新竹大山背,是一名成長於鄉野的客家人。他憑靠自身的機智與模仿能力,快速掌握現代漫畫的技巧,並以深具教育性及客家故事著稱。其漫畫創作主題,主要集中在三個方面:一是童年在大山背客家村成長的生活記事;二是客家人在城市求職謀生的動人故事;三是客家小英雄在不同時空展現智慧與勇氣的幻想故事。這些生動迷人的漫畫,雖然都是環繞著客家議題,但是卻是以流暢詼諧的畫筆完成。他的漫畫深受當時流行電影的影響,無論劇情還是人物,幾乎都與中影「健康寫實電影」類似,共同呈現1950及1960年代,臺灣大眾文化的主要特色。
Liu Hsing-chin is the most famous cartoonist in Taiwan. His characters such as Brother A-san
Big Auntie
and Robot remain popular today. He was born and grew up in the countryside of DaShanBei
a Hakka village in Hsinchu. He is a self-taught artist who gained modern comic skills through wit and imitation. He is well-known due to the educational value that his Hakka stories provide. The three main topics of his works are: life stories in DaShanBei
how hakka people earn a living in big cities
and various fantasies featuring Hakka heroes. Liu’s cartoons cover many Hakka issues
often they have been inflenced by popular movies. His comic portrayals are not only a reflction of Taiwan’s popular culture in the 1950’s and 60’s
but also reflect the healthy realism of fims produced by the Central Pictures Corporation in plot and character.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=45&CA_ID=476
ISSN: 2310-8436
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 8
起始頁: 155
結束頁: 194


  1. 2310-8436-170505.pdf

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