Title: 法屬玻里尼西亞客家族群邊界與認同在地化
The Localization of Hakka Ethnic Identity and Boundaries in French Polynesia
Authors: 姜貞吟
Chen-yin Chiang
Keywords: 客家;玻里尼西亞;大溪地;族群邊界;族群認同;揉雜性;Hakka;Polynesia;Tahiti;Ethnic Boundary;Ethnic Identity;Hybridity
Issue Date: Nov-2015
Publisher: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
Abstract: 自19世紀中期起,客家人因不同因素移往法屬玻里尼西亞,在長達3-6代移居史裡,歷經當地多次族群政策重要變遷以及與當地人群、文化長期互動來往影響下,客家族群邊界與認同已漸朝向在地化表現。大溪地客家族群邊界與族群認同有著內部變化與外部威脅兩種發展歷程,前者主要為「從華人到客家人」、「從苦力到從商」與「從客人到主人」的三種內部變化;後者則是「客家宗姓的法文化」、「華人離散的召喚」與「疆界消失的全球化」的外部威脅。本研究主要收集大溪地客家族群遷移過程、族群認同變化情形,研究發現與先前研究結果已略有不同,因國際政經與當地社會變遷等因素,新世代展現不同的族群與國族認同,並在文化上表現出多元揉雜性。
It has been nearly 150 years since the mid-nineteenth century when Hakka people emigrated for various reasons to French Polynesia. During this period
there have been several waves of emigration. The fist waves of immigrants mostly cultivated vanilla
and cotton
most of them returned to their original villages. Later immigrants settled long term
with most of them opening small grocery stores or supermarkets or working in the garment or food sectors or in public services
these immigrants already had considerable inflence at different levels of Tahitian society. During an emigration history that continued three to fie generations and after several critical changes to local policies on ethnicity and the effect of long-term interaction with the local people and culture
Hakka ethnic identity and boundaries were already gradually shifting towards localization. The ethnic identity and boundaries of Hakka people in French Polynesia underwent several courses of internal changes and external threats. The internal changes included transformations
and localization and mainly entailed changes from Chinese to Hakka
hard laborer to merchant
and guest to host. The external threats included changes regarding customs
and globalization and in particular how French has inflenced the surnames of Hakka people
the call of overseas chinese
and the disappearing of boundaries through globalization. Over the past 30 years
Hakka Polynesian people
under the impact of internal and external changes
have been writing about and recording their experiences and re-presenting Hakka ethnic culture. Those of Hakka ethnicity
as social integrators and preservers of their ethnic culture
and the Polynesians have mutually inflenced each other
particularly regarding commerce
food culture
and daily habits. This study compiles and studies the Hakka emigration process and the transformation of ethnic and national identity in Tahiti
discovering that
because of factors such as international politics
and social changes
the ethnic identity of the Hakka people in French Polynesia is already slightly different from that indicated in previous studies. The new generation exhibits a different ethnic and national identity and shows cultural hybridity.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=42&CA_ID=439
ISSN: 2310-8436
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 5
Begin Page: 85
End Page: 147
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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