Title: 新加坡客家發展的文化政治:跨國連結、彈性關係與文化詮釋
The Cultural Politics of Singaporean Hakka: Transnationality, Flexible Relation and Cultural Interpretation
Authors: 柯朝欽
Chao-ching Ko
Keywords: 新加坡客家;客家精神;海外華人;彈性公民;跨國性;Singapore Hakka;Hakka Spirit;Overseas Chinese;Flexible Citizenship;Transnationality
Issue Date: Nov-2017
Publisher: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
Abstract: 本文引用Aihwa Ong(王愛華)關於海外華人的「彈性公民」(Flexible Citizenship)分析取向,以新加坡南洋客屬總會近年來的社團活動與其客家論述為分析對象,探討新加坡客家文化發展的模式特質。依此,本文並不著墨於公民權的討論,而是著重於跨國資本流動與客家文化詮釋之間的關係。本文藉由對客家社團的活動分析指出,新加坡客家的獨特性正是在於對客家精神的文化彈性詮釋,不管是上個世紀的30年代,還是21世紀的近15年來,都明顯的鑲嵌於跨國政商網絡的關係建構之中。高度經濟全球化的新加坡,其客家文化的特質就是在跨國商業關係網絡的連結之中伴隨著對客家文化的彈性詮釋創造,兩者其實共構並行,相輔相成。這樣的新加坡客家特色事實上從上世紀的30年代延續至今。
This article examines Aihwa Ong's (王愛華) perspective on the “Flexible Citizenship” of overseas Chinese to analyze the Nanyang (Singapore) Chamber of Commerce association's activities and discourses on Hakka and identity the specific characteristics of Singapore's Hakka. By studying the activities of the Hakka Association, this article indicates that the Singapore Hakka's uniqueness lies the flexibility of cultural interpretation on Hakka spirit. From the 1930s to the present day, this spirit has facilitated the establishment of transnational political and business networks in Singapore. Singapore is a nation that has integrated itself with the development of economic globalization, and Hakka culture is similarly characterized by its transnational commercial networks.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=46&CA_ID=490
ISSN: 2310-8436
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 9
Begin Page: 77
End Page: 126
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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