標題: 行為召喚與品牌網路社群對購物網站消費者之購買意願研究
The Influence of Call-to-Action and Online Brand Community on Consumer's Purchase Intention on the Online Shop.
作者: 何冠賢
Ho, Kuan-Hsien
關鍵字: 電子商務;購物網站;消費者行為;品牌網路社群;行為召喚;消費意願;Electronic Commerce;Online Shops;Consumer Behavior;Online Brand Community;Call to Action;Buying Intention
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近年來電子商務竄紅,購物網站已成為商家們經常使用之通路,同時隨著消費者的購物習慣從實體通路到網路通路之改變,購物網站經營業者也正思考著透過各種方式,吸引更多網頁造訪者,進而將他們轉換成實際消費的消費者。在以前傳統之零售實體通路中,學者探討了消費者之人口統計變數及常見的相關變數。然而,網路是個錯綜複雜的體系,從實體到虛擬中會有不同因素相互影響,像是社群網路,使用者經驗,上網習慣,上網頻率等皆有可能影響網路使用者對於線上購物的態度。有許多的學者及研究者對於電子商務網站之各項要素進行探討,從Web1.0到Web3.0,更強調的是互動及分享,透過使用者產生內容(User Generate Content, UGC),使網頁造訪者能夠分享及接收各方面之消費資訊,因此,社群網路之每個個體交互影響下,網路消費者之消費思考路徑也變得更加複雜。此外,購物網站經營業者也積極加入行為召喚(Call To Action, CTA)之使用,從傳統的網頁橫幅(Web banner)設計加入行動號召內容,進而喚起網頁造訪者執行某些動作(如消費、註冊、點擊)等互動式行為,其目的都是為了將網路造訪者轉換為實際消費之消費者。 本研究以消費者理論EBM模型為架構,分析網路使用者對於購物網站之消費行為,並以品牌網路社群及行為召喚作為干擾變數,探討不同之人口統計變數之網路使用者在購物網站消費之情形,網路消費者注重購物網站之屬性面向,以及購物網站須重視之品牌網路社群及行為召喚,是否與消費行為有顯著關聯性。結果發現,品牌網路社群與線上購物消費意願呈正相關,行為召喚之使用及設計與線上購物意願則依其呈現方式呈正相關或負相關,因此,研究結果可供網路商店經營業者之參考依據。
With the rapid growing of electronic commerce, the online shops have become a common channels for sellers. Also, due to the shift of buying behavior from physical to virtual channels, online sellers have been considering all kinds of approaches to attract more visitors, converting them to the real consumers further. However, the Internet is a sophisticated system. From physical to virtual factors would influence each other, like social networking, user experience, the behavior and the frequency of surfing on the Internet. All these connections would influence the behavior of buying on the Internet to consumers. After the popularity of e-commerce, many researchers have studied on the factors regarding online stores. For example, throughout the UGC (User Generate Content), the web visitors could receive and share information on the Internet. Therefore, the consumers’ considering paths would become much more complicated. Besides, online sellers have been using so-called “Call-To-Action, CTA”. By designing the web banners with calling contents, online sellers hope that web visitors could do some specific purposes because of Call-to-Action, like purchasing, registering, and clicking, in order to convert them from visitors to consumers. In this study, it analyzed consumers’ buying behavior on the Internet based on the framework of consumer theory model (EBM) to discuss the buying situation online by different demographics and other interruptive factors. The results show that the online brand community has positive correlation with the buying behavior, while the Call-to-Action has either positive or negative correlation with the buying behavior, depending on the way of display.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353116