標題: 行動電話客戶攜碼換網之成因探討
Determinants of Customer Churn with Number Portability in the Taiwan Mobile Market
作者: 蔡旻宏
Tsai, Min-Horng
關鍵字: 行動攜碼;客戶換網意願;客戶流失管理;Mobile number portability;Customer switching intention;Customer churn management
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 2005年10月15日台灣開放行動及固網門號可攜式服務(Number Portability簡稱NP),允許客戶更換電信公司時,可繼續沿用原持有之行動或固網門號,此舉大幅降低客戶攜碼換網困難度,也更加劇在台灣行動電話市場的激烈競爭。 2013年4G行動市場於開放後,形成五家運營商鼎立局面,由原有三大中華電信、台灣大遠傳、遠傳及整併後之亞太、台灣之星合計五家電信業者搶食國內行動市場大餅,3G花了5年達到1,000萬用戶門檻,而4G只花1年5個月,速度之快,超越韓、日,成為全球4G增長速度最快的國家。台灣行動用戶滲透率截至2016年第一季已高達125%,行動通信市場幾近飽和,競爭環境十分激烈,各業者經營均面臨客戶攜碼離網流失及新客難以爭取入網之困境,此亦為運營商維持競爭優勢之關鍵所在。 本研究以台灣電信業者為例,經由線上問卷透過網路調查國內行動電話用戶,有效問卷達1,407份,利用羅吉斯迴歸(Logistic regression)進行變數篩選及構建模式,深入分析行動用戶攜碼離網關鍵原因,研究發現影響台灣行動用戶未來考量攜碼離網關鍵因素包括【門市服務】、【行動語音品質】、【行動上網品質】、【攜碼至他網優惠】、【老客戶優惠】、【違約金】、【網內互打優惠】等7項主因;另在此模型中也利用迴歸分析來檢定【網內互打優惠】中介影響效果,結果顯示【老客戶優惠】及【違約金】除直接影響客戶離網意願外,亦會透過【網內互打優惠】來影響客戶離網意願;最後再針對客戶變數與影響用戶未來攜碼離網各構念之平均數是否有顯著差異性,做出細部分析及背後原因深層探討,並提出以客戶為本的客戶挽留建議方案,期以作為電信業者擬定固守客戶避免攜碼離網之行銷戰略參考。
In October 15, 2005, Taiwan launched the Number Portability service for mobile and fixed network. Subscribers can churn to any carrier with the original phone number, which tremendously reduce the switching cost and increase the competition in Taiwan’s mobile market. After 4G mobile service launched in 2013, the original three incumbent carriers (Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile and FarEas Tone) and the two new entrant (Asia-Pacific Telecom and Taiwan Star) jointly compete in the Taiwan mobile market. 3G mobile service took five years to reach 10 million users threshold, whereas 4G spent only a year and five months, outpace the markets in South Korea and Japan, as the world's fastest growing countries in 4G in 2015. This study collects 1,407 effective questionnaires on the switch intention of number portability. The key factors of customer churn intention in the future identified by this study are (1) Service of store sales, (2) Voice call quality, (3) Mobile Internet quality, (4)Special offers for Number Portability to other carrier, (5) Special offers for regular subscribers, (6) Default fine (7) Special offers for Intra-Network calls. The mediation effect of “Special offers for Intra-Network calls” in the empirical model by means of regression analysis is tested. The results imply that “Special offers for Intra-Network calls”mediates the relationship between churn and the cause of churn “Special offers for regular subscribers” and “Default fine”. The significant difference among the customer parameters and constructs of customer churn are analyzed. The cause for the difference is discussed and the recommendation for customer retaining are proposed.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363716
Appears in Collections:Thesis