Title: | 身心醫療服務之創業計畫書 以P公司為例 A Business Proposal for Starting Up a Psychotherapy Service |
Authors: | 王君懿 楊千 胡均立 Wang, Chun-Yi 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 身心醫療;身心健康;商業模式;行銷策略;員工協助方案;sychotherapy Service;Crowdsourcing-based Business Model;EAP |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 隨著社會的進歩和發展,身心問題開始不斷困擾當今社會人群,根據衛生福利部每年的統計資料,我國103年精神疾病全民健保就診總人數有2,553,30人數曾經至身心相關門診就診,顯示台灣有高達總人口10%的人群具有各種各樣的心理問題,對其生活功能和社會功能造成一定的影響,甚至嚴重的損害。特別是科技產業, 諸多中高階主管面臨高壓力的工作環境,如市場競爭激烈、產業變化速度快、超時工作、裁員危機,導致受到事業壓力與自我期許雙重折磨。 但是目前對這些患病人群的服務利用率和治療率極不理想,其中僅有少部分在一年之內接受心理諮詢或者心理治療。目前隨著人群素質的提高,很多有心理問題的人群開始尋找幫助,但是能夠提供幫助的專業身心諮詢機構卻寥寥無幾,僅有少數綜合醫院乃至精神病專科醫院提供相應的服務。國家對精神健康與心理衛生事業逐漸重視,面對龐大的不完全競爭市場,創建一個專業的身心醫療診所將會有很好的經濟效益和社會效益。我們的身心健康診所主要的業務包括身心醫療,身心健康診斷,及企業員工身心援助計畫服務等。目標客戶群主要為有身心問題的高壓力人群及為員工創造福利的企業。對於來訪者來說,我們提供的服務能幫助他們重塑健康的心境,對於企業來說,員工及家屬的心理健康會提高員工的工作積極性從而提高企業的績效。 目前在國內專業的大型身心醫療診所寥寥無幾,市場規模巨大,而且隨著經濟的發展,人們的需求已經從物質需求轉向精神文化需求,從而帶動身心健康市場規模的增大。 現行的營運模式主要採取身心科醫師和身心健康管理師投資入股及融資,通過網路宣傳,媒體宣傳以及相應的講座對診所進行宣傳,並與政府精神與心理衛生相關機構合作,擴大影響力。本機構的管理層主要採用醫療專業和營運專業的模式。醫療專家負責業務管理,專業經理人負責全面運營管理。我們初歩的融資規模為新台幣1,000萬元,先在台灣創建全國性連鎖心理診所,爾後目標將往港、澳、中等華人地區拓展業務。 With the development and progress of society, mental and physical problems began to crowd trouble in today's society. According to the statistics from Ministry of Health and Welfare, there are about 2,553,306 people visiting psychosomatic clinic annually. It shows that up to 10% of the total population of people in Taiwan having a variety of psychological problems and their lives have been affected in some extent. This is especially visible in the hi-technology industry, where many executives are faced with a high-pressured work environment, such as the fierce market competition, rapid changes in the industry, to work overtime, layoffs crisis, resulting in pressure caused by double torment and self-expectation. However, the service utilization and treatment rates to these patients are extremely unsatisfactory. Only a small portion of them undergo psychological counseling or psychotherapy within a year. With the improvement of the quality of the current population, more people with psychological problems look for help, however, there are few services provided by general hospitals or psychiatric hospitals to fulfill the needs. Our main business in health clinics including diagnosis and cure to physical and psychological health, as well as physical and psychological assistance program services to employees in enterprises. The main target audience includes employees having physical and psychological problem and their enterprise. The service we provide to help patient rebuild a mind with healthy. It will hence improve staff motivation and thus improve the performance of enterprises. There are few professional mental health clinics in the market here in Taiwan, though the potential market is far bigger as long as the economic development. People's needs have shifted from material to spiritual and cultural, and will result more demand to the physical and mental health care market in the near future. General practitioners and physical and mental health managers are major share-holders to professional mental health clinics at current mode of operation. The business expends through various ways such as the network publicity, the media and the corresponding lecture clinics publicity, and the cooperation with the Government of spiritual and mental health agencies. Medical professionals are responsible for business management while professional managers are responsible for the overall operation and management. Initial investment would be NTD 10 million to build chain stores of psychiatric clinics in Taiwan. The target of second phase will expand the business to China, Hong Kong, Macao, and other Chinese markets. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363032 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/138589 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |