Title: 桃園國際機場空側區車輛運作之風險管理
Risk Management of Airside Vehicle Operations For Taoyuan International Airport
Authors: 蘇崇義
Su, Chung-Yih
Keywords: 機場空側區域;風險管理;安全管理系統;車輛運作;Airport Airside Area;Vehicle Operations;SMS (Safety Management System);Risk Management
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 臺灣地處目前世界最繁忙的空中交通航路樞紐地帶,緊鄰太平洋、東亞大陸與南亞之交接區域,地利之便,使得扮演國家門戶的桃園國際機場擁有得天獨厚的優勢。近年來,隨著亞洲新興市場如中國大陸、東亞等國家的經濟發展,兩岸的通航、美國簽證的鬆綁與日本的開放天空政策之後,桃園國際機場航班的起降迅速成長,平均每日起降架次增至五百五十架次,尖峰時段甚至高達每小時36班的起降架次,除增添對飛航管制員的壓力,全力安全、有序地安排航班的飛行,機場空側作業區各類的活動更是頻繁且複雜。然而,根據國際航空運輸協會(International Air Transport Association, IATA)的數據顯示,全世界機場每年約發生27,000起機坪意外事件,平均每一千架航班就會發生1起意外事件,其中「機坪事件」佔所有空側事件的百分之八十以上。因此,本研究希望藉由安全管理系統中的風險管理策略,評析機場空側區域的車輛運作,並建立、維護與持續改善相關的管理策略,以確保機場的安全管理系統,進而提昇至符合國際民航組織與相關規範之要求。
Taiwan is located in the world's busiest air traffic route hub zone, adjacent to the junction of the continental Pacific, East Asia and South Asia region, of its superior location, allowed playing portal of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport has a lot of advantages. In recent years, with the thriving economy development of Asia emerging market such as China mainland, and East Asia. After the policy of cross-strait direct flight, and United States visa of untying and Japan’s open sky policy, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport flight of landing quickly growth, from 300 - 400 big increased to 500 - 600 daily landing flights, averaging one flight landing or take-off in every two minutes, airport airside area operation of various activities become more frequent and complex. However, according to IATA’s (International Air Transport Association, IATA ) research, almost 27,000 incidents and accidents happened in the airport every year, which means every thousands of taking off or landing will have one, and over 80% of airside incidents and accidents occurred in the apron area. Therefore, this study offers the safety management system in the risk management strategy, analysis of the airside area of the airport vehicles, and related to the establishment, maintenance and continuous improvement of management policies in order to ensure that all airport SMS (Safety Management System) up to the highest requirements in line with international standards.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070063715
Appears in Collections:Thesis