標題: 結合桌上遊戲設計小五英語拼字學習教學課程之研究
A Study on Integrating Tabletop Games into English Teaching for Taiwanese 5th Graders’ Vocabulary Learning
作者: 蔡佩蓁
Tsai, Pei-Chen
Lee, Jong-Eao
關鍵字: 桌上遊戲;字彙;拼字;學習成效;Tabletop game;Bananagram;spelling ability;board game;learning effectiveness
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 中文摘要 本研究旨在將改編桌上遊戲 --『Bananagram』香蕉拼字遊戲運用於練習五年級英語字彙學習,內容主軸為英語領域五年級下學期第二單元“What subject do you like?”,探討學生藉此桌上遊戲對於英語拼字能力之效益。 本研究採準實驗設計法,研究對象為新北市某國小五年級學生共144名,分別為控制組70人,於課程教學後採傳統書寫複習英語字彙;實驗組共74人,於課程教學後採桌上遊戲來複習英語字彙。實驗教學活動為期四周八個循環,每次15 分鐘練習。 研究工具有研究者改編單字圖卡結合『Bananagram』香蕉拼字遊戲,以量化的方式分析資料,經由拼字能力前、後測級學生活動回饋問卷取得研究數據,並以t檢定及描述性統計分析之。 研究結果發現: 一、 教學後,使用傳統背誦方式練習拼字與運用桌上遊戲練習單字之學生學習成效皆達顯著差異。 二、 教學後,使用傳統背誦方式練習拼字與運用桌上遊戲練習單字之學習成效對性別無差異。 三、 實驗組及控制組兩組組內高、低成就學生對該組教學活動之學習成效有顯著性差異,且能縮小實驗組高、低學習成就學生間的差異。 四、 實驗組組內高學習成就男、女生與低學習成就男、女生之學習程效達顯著性差異,五年級學習成效整體而言雖對性別未達顯著差異,若將其細分成高低成就,在比較其組內不同性別學生之學習成效便可發現,桌遊運用於英語拼字練習對此一階段學生拼字能力發展,女生優於男生,男生無論高低成就,能力都比女生集中,男生組內差異明顯小於女生。 關鍵字:桌上遊戲、香蕉拼字遊戲、字彙、拼字、學習成效
Abstract This study aims to investigate the effect of board games on English spelling ability of the Taiwanese 5th graders in New Taipei city. There are one hundred and forty-four 5th graders from six classes that participated in this study, one group with 74 students serving as experimental groups and the other with 70 students as the control group. The board game “Bananagram” was applied to spelling practice for the experimental group while traditional writing drill was adopted for the control group after formal instructions from their English teacher. The experiment lasted for 4 weeks, with 2 rounds per week, 15 minutes in one period of practice. Research figures were collected mainly from a self-made spelling test, pretest, and posttest. After the data was collected, it is analyzed by the independent T-test. And the results indicate: 1. Both group significantly improved their spelling ability. 2. There is no gender’s learning effectiveness impact on either experimental or control group. 3. There is a significant improvement on high and low achievement students of experimental group. After adopting board game for practicing spelling ability, it can dwindle down the interval between high and low achievement students. 4. Although there’s no gender’s learning effectiveness impact on both group, the spelling ability of girls is better than boys in experimental group and the distribution of boys’ spelling ability is more concentrated than girls’. Keywords: Tabletop game, board game, Bananagram, spelling ability, learning effectiveness
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352810
Appears in Collections:Thesis