標題: 鋼鐵工業地景「文本再現」與「知覺記憶」的 張力關係: 北京「首鋼」為案例
Tensions Between Textual Representation and Perceptual Memory on the Iron and Steel Industrial Landscapes: A Case Study of Beijing Shougang Group
作者: 孫賀
Sun, He
Chu, Yuan-Horng
關鍵字: 鋼鐵工業地景;首鋼職工及家屬;文本再現;知覺記憶;共塑;the Iron and Steel Industrial Landscapes;Shougang Employees and Relatives;Textual Representation;Perceptual Memory;Co-shaping
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本文以一間有近百年歷史的鋼鐵企業——北京「首鋼」為研究案例,嘗試以地景作為核心概念及研究切入點,鎖定了「鋼廠」、「鐵水」、「首鋼人」、「廠東門」等四個對「鋼鐵工業」及「首鋼」而言十分俱有標誌意義的地景,分別透過對文學作品、報紙、雜誌、以及企業文宣讀物中的小說、詩歌、繪畫、報告文學等多種媒介文本的內容與話語的交互式分析,以及曾經在首鋼工作或附近區域生活的職工及家屬半結構化的深度訪談,初步地探究了上述媒介文本再現的與首鋼職工及家屬記憶中知覺的「鋼鐵工業地景」間的張力關係。 本研究發現,在冷戰對立格局、國家工業發展計劃以及「文藝服務政治」政策等因素的復合影響下,上述四類地景建構了一套相對同質化地倡導國家、集體、發展主義至上、並強調奉獻價值的意識形態話語敘述;但透過對職工與家屬訪談中可以發現,幹部的感受表述最為貼近、而女性家屬最為疏離於上述媒介再現所建構的話語論述,工人則介於兩者之間,三類身份群體的「知覺記憶」間呈現出了高度分異化的特徵。 「知覺記憶」出現分異的原因在於,雖然他們長期共處於一個社會關係相對緊湊的單位制社會的體系之下,但基於大型鋼鐵企業組織科層化、分工專業化,以及男性為主體的職工性別構成結構等特徵,社會、職業身份以及個人經歷不同的首鋼職工及家屬在不同時空路徑下的日常經驗方式的基礎上,形成了各自不同的日常工作與生活經驗形式,進而在分別由「文本再現」和「感知經驗」所建構的「主流話語邏輯」與「日常生活邏輯」不同程度的「共塑」之下,構成了「光譜化式分異」的張力狀態。
This thesis argues the tensions between textual representation and perceptual memory on the iron and steel industrial landscapes of “Beijing Shougang Group”( an almost 100-year-old Iron and Steel Company) after the establishment of P.R.China in 1949. Chosen as four typical industrial landscapes for iron and steel industry and Shougang itself ,“Steel Plant”,“Liquid Iron”, “Shougang People”and“East Gate”would be studied in the following two methods. Through textual and discourse analysis of the related four landscapes from fictions, poems, paintings and reportage published in newspapers, magazines corporate published books and some other publications, an unitary discourse permeated by the ideologies of nationalism, communism and developmentalism could be observed. Meanwhile, via in-depth interviews with retired employees of Shougang, their spouses and offsprings who were residing nearby Shougang main factory, differentiated perceptual memories of those four landscapes could be captured from the talks of these interviewees with different positions and life experiences: cadres’memory experience were much closer to the discourse while those of female spouses’ were more alienated and those of the workers’were in between. In terms of my inference, although residing in a typical Chinese “Danwei society”, whose densely social bonds was usually taken for granted, highly-specialized organization and male-dominated industry within a large-scaled steeltown shaped distinct working and living rhythms due to distinct temporal-spatial paths based on different positions , gender and personal experiences. Therefore, differentiated perceptual memories just like a spectrum of Shougang employees and spouses were generated by distinct proportional co-shaping of “dedication and sacrifice”values constructed by textual representations and “everyday-life”values experienced from personally bodily practice.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259711