Title: 低成本航空服務 對旅客觀光目的地選擇分析 —以台灣-日本市場為例
The impacts of Low Cost Carrier Service on Tourism Destination Choice—A Case Study on the Taiwan-Japan Market
Authors: 洪瑋鍾
Hsiao, Chieh-Yu
Keywords: 目的地選擇;供需均衡模式;低成本航空;羅吉特模式;觀光吸引力;Destination Choice;Tourism Attraction;Logit Model;Low cost carrier
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 在航空產業發展快速、各國政策走向開放的風潮下,全球的觀光旅遊產業蓬勃發展,有許多文獻探討觀光目的地選擇亦或傳統航空與低成本航空競爭,然而較少文獻結合兩者進行觀光旅遊市場之探討,因此本研究以日本北海道、東京與九州地區為例,整合觀光目的地選擇以及航空公司競爭建立供需均衡模式。其中需求模式結果顯示,航空公司屬性、觀光吸引力指標、目的地旅遊花費以及目的地之熟悉程度都是旅客選擇旅遊地點之重要因素,供給模式結果則顯示旅客數量、是否為低成本航空、機型大小均會影響航空公司之供給行為,在旅客數量的變數使用上採用工具變數,以起訖點人口之幾何平均數作為工具變數,最後,為了探求整體市場之供需狀況,本研究整合需求與供給模式建立一供需均衡模式,探討供需間之互動狀況。我們發現低成本航空進入日本次要城市具有很高的發展潛能,對於台灣旅客而言日本各地區在觀光吸引力之差距並不大,在此情境下,包含機票、旅館以及旅遊花費均將成為影響旅客目的地與航空公司選擇的關鍵考量因素。而當觀光業者對於旅遊目的地進行較強的宣傳與行銷時,能夠使的其知名度、旅客了解程度有所提升,也能對於整個旅遊市場有一定程度之影響。
Due to rapid development of the aviation industry and governments’ openness policies, travel has become more and more popular all over the world. There are many literatures discussing either tourist destination choice or the competition between full service carriers and low-cost carriers. However, seldom of them have discussed about the whole tourism market. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to discuss how low cost carrier and tourism attraction affect tourism market. The study was conducted by Reveal preference (RP) and stated preference (SP) in order to discover tourists’ destination choice. The logit model results revealed that airline, tourism attraction, pricing, destination familiarity have apparently effect on tourists’ choice. Otherwise, the study also collects airline data to analysis airline companies’ entry behavior. At last, a simulation was carried out to discuss the result of supply-demand equilibrium system. The final model indicated that low pricing strategy will affect tourists’ destination choice. They will concern destination and ticket price in the same time. Meanwhile, we also discover that secondary market in Japan have highly potential. Otherwise, appropriate advertising and promotion strategy will make the destination becoming famous. It will have some effects for tourist choice as well
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353610
Appears in Collections:Thesis