標題: 基於空間填充曲線的圖像藝術風格
An Artistic Rendition of Images Based on Space-filling Curves
作者: 廖雅瑩
Liao, Ya-Ying
Shih, Zen-Chung
Chang, Chin-Chen
關鍵字: 非擬真顯像;空間填充曲線;線條藝術;半色調;Non-photorealistic rendering;space-filling curve;line art;halftoning
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 空間填充曲線(Space-filling curve)曾被使用於藝術效果。然而,使用者運用空間填充曲線生成藝術風格是很困難的。本論文提出使用空間填充曲線自動生成圖像藝術風格的方法。本論文的方法根據圖像特徵,像是灰階值(Grey-level)和梯度(Gradient)等等,控制空間填充曲線在圖像中不同區域的分割。我們使用三種空間填充曲線,即高斯帕曲線(Gosper curve),皮亞諾曲線(Peano curve),高斯帕二次曲線quadratic Gosper curve)生成圖像藝術風格。對輸入圖像直接引入一個疊代技巧,產生以線條為基礎的藝術品。所提方法能保持色調,並取得理想的效果。
Space-filling curves have been used for artistic presentation for a long time. However, it is difficult for users to use space-filling curves to generate an artistic representation of an image. In this thesis, we present an approach using space-filling curves to produce artistic styles of images automatically. The proposed approach controls subdivision of a space-filling curve according to image features, such as gray-levels and gradients. We use three kinds of space-filling curves, Gosper curve, Peano curve, and quadratic Gosper curve, to generate artistic styles of images. We introduce an iterative technique for input images to produce line-based drawings directly. The proposed approach can preserve tone and obtain desired results.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356642
Appears in Collections:Thesis