Title: 形成TFT結構之CVD成膜最佳電性均勻度的參數設定
The Optimal Parameter Setting for Improving the Uniformity of the Electric Characteristic of the CVD Process for Forming the TFT Structure
Authors: 江宜潔
Chiang, Yi-Chieh
Tong, Lee-Ing
Horng, Ruey-Yun
Keywords: 薄膜電晶體陣列製程;電漿輔助化學氣相沉積;良率;電性均勻度;田口方法;反應曲面法;TFT Array Process;Plasma Enhanced Vapor Deposition (PECVD);Yield;Electric characteristic uniformity;Taguchi Method;Response Surface Method(RSM)
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究主要目的是針對TFT-LCD製造過程中,Array段的薄膜製程(Thin Film Process)中第二道的CVD製程進行最佳化。本研究首先藉由田口方法(Taguchi Method)來釐清CVD製程中重要參數的變動與TFT的電性變化間之關聯性以找出影響電性均勻度的顯著參數,再利用反應曲面法(Response Surface Method, RSM)找出使CVD成膜均勻性最佳的參數設定值。本研究最後利用台灣某LCD廠商的一個實例,以Array的良率及電性均勻度(Electric characteristic uniformity)來確認本研究所找出之CVD成膜參數設定值確實有效。
The main objective of this study is to improving the uniformity of the electric characteristic of CVD Process, which is the second thin film Process of Array in manufacturing TFT-LCD. The Taguchi method is utilized to clarify the relation between process Parameters and the electric characteristic of TFT and to find out the significant parameters of the CVD process. Then the optimal setting of these significant parameters are determined using Response Surface Method (RSM). Finally, a real case is utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed procedure for finding the optimal parameters setting to maximize the yield and enhance the electric characteristic.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363322
Appears in Collections:Thesis