標題: 以關鍵鏈專案管理評量台灣自行車產業專案現況之研究-以M公司為例
Using CCPM to evaluate Taiwanese Bicycle Industry - A Case Study of M Company
作者: 陳肇君
Chen, Chao-Chun
Li, Rong-Kwei
關鍵字: 關鍵鏈;專案管理;台灣自行車產業;Critical Chain;Project Management;Taiwan bicycle industry
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近年來因溫室效應造成全球氣候變遷與氣候異常,自行車組車廠逐年被要求提前完成新車種的開發,導致自行車的開發專案時程逐年被壓縮,要如何以更短的時程完成新車種的開發,並提供經銷商與客戶準確可靠的交期,成了全球自行車業界保有競爭力的重要課題。限制理論發明人高德拉特博士利用限制理論尋求思維方法的突破,在1997年成功將限制理論引申至專案管理領域,發明關鍵鏈,在歐美,許多企業已有廣泛應用關鍵鏈管理專案的案例,如英特爾(Intel)、福特汽車(Ford)、哈里斯半導體(Harris)等,在導入關鍵鏈之後,均獲得顯著的改善成效,大符縮短專案時程。本研究欲探討利用關鍵鏈專案管理的觀念來評量台灣自行車產業的專案環境,了解目前台灣自行車產業的專案環境與關鍵鏈專案管理觀念的差異,為台灣自行車產業欲導入關鍵鏈方法來改善專案效率的公司提供一個衡量專案團隊觀念與作法的工具。個案研究發現多工作業、過多的個人緩衝時間保留、帕金森定律與缺乏動態的專案問題追縱系統是造成專案時程拉長的主要因素。透過關鍵鏈排程方法來降低不良多工、統一管理緩衝時間、安排任務優先順序與執行動態任務管理來做為案例公司縮短專案時程之參考。
Due to the Green House effect and abnormal weather condition in recent years, among bicycle manufactories a shorter lead time and faster new products development are requested in order to response rapid climate. Providing a more accurate and expedited schedule is turning into the main topic for global bicycle manufactures. The inventor of TOC Dr. Goldratt used TOC theory to seek out a breakthrough of thinking process and solve the most common existed problem “schedule delay” in project management and invent CCPM which has been applied in project management area successfully. There are many cases of applying Critical Chain project management in western corporations, such as Ford, Intel and Harris etc. After these companies implement Critical Chain they see brilliant improvement on project lead time. The aim of this study is to evaluate the project environment of Taiwanese bicycle industry within the conception of CCPM and get to know the difference between reality of project environment in Taiwanese bicycle industry and CCPM advocate. It provides a evaluating tool if bicycle manufactories want to lead in CCPM to improve project efficiency. The result of the study indicates that bad multitasking, personal safety margin, Parkinson's Law and lacking of dynamic system are the main elements lead the project delay. By using CCPM schedule planning methods to reduce multitasking, manage safety margin, prioritize tasks and execute a dynamic system to shorten project schedule can be the reference guide of M company.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363310