標題: 新竹科學工業園區中小型高風險事業單位之安全管理現況訪查評估研究
A Study on Present Safety Management of Small and Medium High-risk Manufacturing Plants at the Hsinchu Science Park
作者: 溫瑞芳
Wen, Jui-Fang
Chen, Chun-Hsun
關鍵字: 安全衛生管理;中小型事業單位;高風險;safety and health management;small and medium sized units;highrisk
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 根據勞動部職業災害網路填報統計系統資料顯示,新竹科學工業園區近幾年來職業災害概況資料得知失能傷害頻率及失能傷害嚴重率約分別為0.64及9以下,與全國製造業平均失能傷害頻率1.7及失能傷害嚴重率134相較,顯得良好許多。新竹科學工業園區科技製造產業有別於其他製造業的關鍵,在於資本與技術密集,因此在職業安全衛生方面投入較多的資源,所展現出來的水準平均高於其他區外製造產業,並經常成為其他工業區之模仿指標。 新竹科學工業園區內之中小型事業單位限於人力及財力,一般而言在職業安全衛生管理的執行上,往往不如同區內或區外之大型事業,易發生職業安全衛生法規落實度不足、安全衛生管理能力及資源欠缺等問題,且於廠房規劃設計上,往往容易忽略安全衛生風險之考量。本研究最主要的目的即是在基於預防重於治療的理念下,事前針對新竹竹科學工業園區轄區內之中小型高風險事業單位進行安全衛生診斷查核,以防範未然,並藉此建立一套高風險中小型事業單位之完整資料,以利後續追蹤考核。 由本研究安全衛生查核結果統計資料顯示,查核輔導小組所提679項缺失,事業單位完成改善544項,改善後屬可接受28項,整體改善率達84.2%,顯見廠商改善意願高;從查核後短期追蹤結果顯示,受查核對象法規符合度遠優於其他中小型事業單位,因此本查核輔導工作對於中小型高風險事業單位而言,除協助解決安全衛生缺失問題外,同時引領中小型高風險事業單位逐步提昇其安全衛生專業管理水準。
Statistic figures released by the Ministry of Labor regarding vocational hazards report revealed that cases of vocational hazard report from 2013 to 2015 accounted 414 and the average disabling frequency rate and disabling injury severity rate were less than 0.64 and 9, respectively, at the Hsinchu Science Park (HSP), whereas the national manufacturing industry counterparts were 1.7 and 134, signifying the safety management at the HSP was superior to national average. Superiority of the HSP in safety management mainly lies in its industry properties. Most companies at the HSP are capital and technology intensive firms, which are able to invest more in vocational safety and health enhancement, thereafter resulting a better vocational safety management system at the HSP, which acts as a model for domestic industry zones. Small and medium size manufacturing plants at the HSP are confined in capital and human resources and accordingly inferior to large enterprises in solidification of vocational safety and health related regulations and vocational safety and health management. Design of small and medium size firms is also inferior in safety concern and risk management, e.g. inflammable chemicals use and storage, planning and design of explosion-proof electrical zones, and hazard management of old factories. This study aims at investigating the safety management of high-risk small and medium size companies at the HSP based on the concept of “prevention is better than cure” and building up a complete high risk management databank for further tracking and follow-up checks. Statistics of safety and health management surveyed in this study revealed that an overall of improvement rate reached 84.2%, where improvement cases done by the science park companies accounted 544 and acceptable cases after improvements accounted 28 among a total of 679 defects reported by the advisory group, indicating a high willingness of improvement and involvement of the science park companies. Short-term tracing report after the vocational checks revealed that companies under survey were superior to those small and medium sized companies without receiving checks in terms of adopting law confinement. Thus, the vocational check advisory services not only resolve safety and health problems of the companies but also pilot small and medium sized companies to elevate their vocational safety and health management level.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070161002
Appears in Collections:Thesis