標題: C流程開發時程之改善-以某ODM為例
The Improvement of C-flow Schedule Development - A case study of ODM-A
作者: 楊惟理
Yang, Wei-Li
關鍵字: 專案管理;新產品開發流程;專案績效指標;Project management;New product introduction process;Key performance index
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在現今的製造業中新產品之開發是每個企業的競爭命脈,由於有研發而後有產品,有產品才能銷售並賺取利潤。而市場的需求變化急遽,因此產品生命週期不斷縮短且大環境屬於高度競爭,如何縮短新產品開發時程這項課題成為各企業著重的焦點,如何改善現有開發流程、並透過管理方法使新產品研發到量產時間縮短,且保持良好的品質、減少成本及資源浪費,最終增加企業利潤,是每一大企業都在追尋的目標。 新產品開發專案成功之關鍵要素在於必須同時考量企業內可運用資源,以及其技術能力上的限制,在各家廠商能力都接近的條件下,內部可以加強的項目則為管理方法上的改善,本研究將實際由產品經理,以及專案管理人的角度,將各開發階段細分,並逐一檢討其中項目,期望能夠找出新產品開發流程中關鍵績效指標。 本研究透過文獻探討歸納出主流新產品開發流程,並深入代工廠組成專家小組,逐項整理並檢討C流程各項關鍵指標,區隔成關鍵以及次要指標,而後改善各階段開發時程,進而縮短新產品開發速度。透過本研究推論,實際導入系統代工廠專案確認其改善效果。此專案管理方式使新產品開發管理者能夠有系統、有效率地管理產品研發,達到開發時程更有彈性、量產上市更加快速。
Due to companies rely on research and development for new products, with selling new products to end customer and earn profits, hence the new production introduction is on the most important process in each company. In view of the rapid change of market, the product life cycle had been decrease continually, companies started to study the possibilities of mitigating the new product introduction schedule. The goal of quality keeping and cost reduction is every companies trying to achieve. The success factors of new production introduction is to break through and improve the current management process since most of the companies are in the same technical and resource conditions. This study is constructed by program manager, and will break down each process in detail to identify the key performance index of new product introduction process. The study will analyze the C-process system by building a professional team in ODM, figuring out the key and minor performance index, and improve the development schedule of new product introduction process eventually. Also the study will implement the result in real projects to validate the improvement. The new management process is to make program manager handle each new product introduction project flexible, and mass production timely.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363320