標題: 基於統計性老化調配的工作負載感知型硬體壽命特洛伊
Workload-Aware Lifetime Trojan based on Statistical Aging Manipulation
作者: 汪述聖
Wang, Shu-Sheng
Wu, Kai-Chiang
關鍵字: 硬體特洛伊;電路老化;時鐘樹;統計相關性;Hardware Trojan;Aging;Clock Tree;Correlation & Regression Analysis
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 由於製程上的複雜度,現已很少公司能獨立支持整條IC設計供應鍊,多為委外設計及製造,因而產生信任上的問題。硬體特洛伊即是其中的一部份,其對於原始設計修改使電路發生不在原本設計上的效果。其中又有一種為可靠性特洛伊用以降低電路的可靠度。本研究是對電路的時鐘樹進行修改,使其老化效應發生變化來降低電路壽命。另外也利用電路關鍵路徑(critical path)間的老化關聯性來確保特洛伊能在不同工作負載下生效。我們利用工研院所提供之電路時序分析資料,及自行模擬之電路關聯性做為輸入。並將問題轉化為一布林式滿足(Boolean satisfiability)問題並使用Minisat工具來解。將電路之壽命控制在指定的範圍內。
Due to escalating complexity of hardware design and manufacturing, integrated circuits (ICs) are usually designed and fabricated in multiple locations worldwide. It makes hardware security becomes more subject to various kinds of tampering in the supply chain. Hardware Trojan horses (HTHs) can be implanted to facilitate the leakage of confidential information or cause the failure of a system. Reliability Trojan is one of the main categories of HTH attacks because its behavior is progressive and is thus not trivial to be detected, or not considered malicious. In this work, we propose to insert reliability Trojan into a circuit which can finely controls the circuit lifetime as specified by attackers (or even designers), based on manipulating BTI-induced aging behavior in a statistical manner.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356117