Title: 適用於正反器時序電路的時鐘樹老化容忍設計
Aging tolerance design for flip-flop-based sequential circuit
Authors: 梁詠鏗
Leong, Weng-Hang
Wu, Kai-Chiang
Keywords: 電路老化;電路可靠度;時間借取;時間偷竊;時鐘偏移;布林可滿足性問題;circuit aging;circuit reliability;time borrowing;time stealing;clock skew;Boolean satisfiability
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 電路性能是最近十年以來,設計電路的時候,最需要考慮的因素之一。
Circuit performance has been a key design constraint for over a decade. Time borrowing/stealing of clock tree/network optimization was proposed for improving the overall performance in terms of clock period. In addition, aging effects reveal themselves as gate delays increase, which cause circuit timing changed. In this paper, we propose to improve performance of a sequential circuit for specific circuit lifetime. The proposed methodology is to tolerant aging by inserting reliability improvement units – duty cycle con-verters (DCCs) into the clock tree of a sequential circuit. DCCs control the aging-induced clock skew (AICS) by manipulating Bias Temperature Insta-bility (BTI)-induced aging behavior of clock buffers in clock tree/network. By the technique of time borrowing/stealing, circuit performance can be im-proved by lowering the clock period of the sequential circuit.
Our objective is to improve clock period by time borrowing/stealing taking advantage of AICS. A lifetime spec (e.g. 10 years) and the aging model of a circuit are given. Furthermore, we try to add the work of clock buffer duplications and considering paths which connect to input port or output port.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070256144
Appears in Collections:Thesis