標題: 台灣背光模組經營策略之探討
A Study On the Managerial Strategy of the BackLight Module Industry in Taiwan
作者: 黎瑞玉
Li, Jui-Yu
Yu, Min-Teh
關鍵字: 台灣背光模組;經營績效;經營策略;Backlight modules;Operation efficiency;Operation Strategy
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 背光模組為顯示器產業中除面板外之重要零組件,面板廠之垂直整合包括整併背光模組廠或自行生產製造背光模組。本個案研究係從台灣專業背光模組廠五家中,選擇營運狀況及獲利最好之瑞儀及中光電,分析其營運狀況並探討其經營策略與未來發展趨勢。研究之資料期間為2009至2014年。透過兩家公司經營績效比較,以深入探討其經營策略差異。本論文發現歸納:一、兩家公司產品項目相同,卻因技術差異使得產品出貨比例迥異,造成營業收入及毛利率顯有差距,進而影響經營績效甚劇。二、兩家公司客戶群集中或分散程度不同,因而影響公司製程及生產基地的布局,間接影響公司營業費用,使得獲利差異大。三、兩家公司董事會成員結構不同,偏向家族企業者,經營策略決策速度快,相較於專業經理人者,可在產業變化迅速時針對市場趨勢預應。
The study chooses two most profitable ones among the five survived backlight companies as the target of this research. It analyzes the operation and business strategy that the two companies took during the period of 2009 to 2014 and to observe how those operations and strategies impact their current and future development .The results of this study shows that the product combination of Radiant and Coretronic is similar but the product contribution in term of sales revenue and gross profit to the company are different, which effect in great deal to their operation performance. The customer strategies that two companies take are different. One of them maintained only a small group of customers, and the other chose to obtain a much larger customer basis and that affect their decision where to set up manufacture sites and the scale of manufacture equipment investment. The compositions of the broad members are different. The board of one of the companies is controlled mainly by family members and that provide the board with ability to make quick decisions fitting for the market changes and needs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363923