Title: 奢侈品數位化對於消費者決策過程影響之理論性研究
A Theoretical Research of the Digital Luxury In Response to Consumer Decision Process
Authors: 王維麟
Wang, Wei-Lin
Tang, Ying-chang
Keywords: 奢侈品;電子商務;社群媒體;A-O Model;三個世界理論;消費者決策過程;Luxury;E-commerce;Social Media;A-O Model;Three-world theory;Consumer Decision Journey
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 面對數位化時代的來臨,以及消費者生活型態劇變的過程,奢侈品業者也意識到品牌已經成為數位化領域的落後者,也了解面對這龐大的數位化趨勢再也無法再袖手旁觀。本研究將數位化的領域放在電子商務市場以及社群媒體,並且利用A-O模型將奢侈品的種類做出四種定位,以Popper的三個世界理論作為奢侈品價值的依據,探討在數位化過程中,品牌要如何將以往的價值做數位化的移植,甚至創造獨有的數位化新價值。 而在消費者行為的部分,則是探討消費者決策過程在奢侈品數位化下的影響,有別於以往AIDA模式下的決策過程,選擇了新的決策過程(Consumer Decision Journey)較為合乎現實情況。本研究利用多重個案分析的方式做理論性的研究,目的在於透過多個個案間邏輯的複製,建構構念並且將其銳化出一套命題,以供未來研究作為發展,並且給予奢侈品產業建議且作為參考依據。
In recent years, the luxury industry is facing the new trends of digitalization. In this digital era, the consumers are changing their lifestyle. Therefore, the luxury brands are aware of having become the straggler in the digital field, and realize simultaneously they cannot ignore this situation anymore. The digital field in this research is including e-commerce and social media. Additionally, this research uses the A-O model to differentiate the luxury goods, and Popper’s three-world theory as the basis of the value of luxury goods. To explore how the brands transplant the value of luxury goods to the digital world, and even create a unique digital value of luxury goods. On the other hand, we explore the consumer decision journey in the consumer behavior. Theoretical research in this study, we use the multiple case studies to analysis. The purpose is to through the replication of logic between multiple cases, building the construct and abstracting the propositions for future research development. Giving suggestions to the luxury industry as a reference.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353737
Appears in Collections:Thesis