Title: 台灣酒精汽油發展趨勢與經營策略之研究-以C公司為例
Analysis on the Development and Operations Strategy for Taiwan Ethanol-Blended Gasoline - A Case Study of C Corporation
Authors: 王建喨
Wang, Chien-Liang
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 酒精汽油;再生能源;PEST;SWOT;七力分析;ethanol-blended gasoline;renewable energy;PEST analysis;SWOT analysis;Seven forces analysis
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 地球資源有限,但生活在地球上的人口卻一直不斷地增加,如何利用有限的資源以回收再利用或再生產的方式,來應付人類日常生活所需,是一件刻不容緩的事情。尤其近半世紀來地球暖化、京都議定書之國際公約目標、環保意識抬頭,加上台灣的能源幾乎完全來自進口,因此再生能源的發展不僅在於環境保護的重視、符合國際約定、降低對進口的依賴、促進相關產業發展,增進就業機會,更是我國永續發展不可或缺的關鍵要素。 如何以再生能源的替代性與持續性,減少不可再生能源的依賴並減緩汙染物的排放,是一門重要的課題。目前酒精汽油在國內銷售市場屬於初步發展階段,而國外早已行之有年,因此利用個案討論、以PEST分析、SWOT分析、七力分析與專家訪談,來探討分析酒精汽油的發展趨勢與經營策略。 本研究得出四大構面結論分別為:產品發展構面、行銷溝通構面、技術構面及政府政策構面,研究結果可供政府單位研擬政策及業者經營上的參考方向。
Natural resources in the earth are limited; however, the population in the world increases constantly. It is an urgent issue how to use possible methods to recycle or reproduce limited resources. Especially in the contemporary half century, there are global warming, goals of international convention in Kyoto Protocol, the rise of environmental protection consciousness around the world. And in Taiwan, the energy is almost entirely imported. Therefore, the development of recycling energy resources not only lies in the attention of environmental protection, conformity of international convention, the decline of import dependence, promotions of relevant industrial development, the enhancement of employment opportunity, but also becomes a key factor of our country sustainable development. It is an important topic how the characteristics of substitution and persistence from recycling energy resources can decrease the dependence of non renewable energy resources and pollution emission. Currently, the sale of ethanol-blended gasoline at domestic market is in the early development stage, but it has been popular for many years in foreign countries. We conduct a case study with SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, seven forces analysis and experts interview to discuss the developmental trend and operational strategies of ethanol-blended gasoline. The research concluded four facets which are product development, marketing, technology, and government policy. The research outcomes can provide a reference to planning policies for government units and an guideline for business operator.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070063120
Appears in Collections:畢業論文