DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChen, Chih-Kuoen_US
dc.contributor.authorFu, Wu-Shungen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 本研究目的在於探討石化製造業安全文化之現況,目前石化業以及製造業雖然已經導入較符合其企業特性的安全文化,但是隨著經濟快速發展,工作方式改變,對環境的重視以及從業人員觀念的改變,現行的安全文化以及評估工具在實務應用上已經不足以防範潛在安全以及異常事件的發生,因此藉由透過安全文化的不斷演進,推行新的安全文化,量化企業個案之安全文化現況以及異常事故發生率,以此發掘出企業內部潛在的問題,並藉由實質的推動互助型安全文化來提昇企業組織之安全績效。 本研究主要根據文獻與安全文化相關之學理模型做為基礎,經由評估量表來瞭解某石化製造業之安全文化現況,進而以導入互助型安全文化來量化安全異常事故發生率。本研究之樣本數為 306 位企業員工,有效問卷280 份,有效問卷率為92 %。 本研究結果顯示,該個案企業所有安全文化向度中同意比例低於90% 者依序為自主檢查、感謝告知、互助觀察以及安全稽核等四個向度。企業員工背景變項統計結果顯示在石化業發生異常事故的機率仍是以男性居多的現場人員為主,而該個案企業導入互助型安全文化向度之後,近三年的異常事故發生次數,由未推行互助型安全文化之前的每年異常事故發生次數為87次,導入之後第一年之異常事故次數已經降至61件數,推行互助型安全文化之後的第二年異常事故年發生率更大幅度減少到38件。這證明了該企業員工已經從獨立型安全文化逐步邁向互助型安全文化的階段。 關鍵詞:石化製造業、安全文化、安全文化模式、互助型安全文化zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT This study investigated the current safety culture of the petrochemical industry. Although the petrochemical and manufacturing industries have now adopted safety cultures that match industry characteristics, rapid economic developments, work method changes, people’s increased environmental awareness, and changes in employees’ ideas have caused such safety cultures and related evaluation tools to become impractical for preventing potentially hazardous and/or abnormal events from occurring. As safety cultures continue to evolve, a new safety culture is introduced to quantify companies’ current safety culture conditions and the incident of abnormal events, which enable companies to identify potential problems. In addition, an Interdependent Safety Culture is promoted in practice to enhance companies’ safety performance. This study referenced relevant literature and used safety culture-related theoretical models as the basis and adopted an evaluation scale to assess the current conditions concerning the safety culture of a petrochemical company. Next, an Interdependent Safety Culture was introduced to quantify the company’s incident of abnormal events. The study samples comprised 306 company employees, from which 280 valid questionnaires were obtained, posting a valid response rate of 92%. The study results showed that the case company scored lower than 90% for the following safety culture dimensions: Self-examination, Thank you for telling me, Otherskeeper, and Safety audit. An analysis of the company employees’ background variables showed that onsite employees (most of whom were male) had the highest incident of abnormal events in the petrochemical industry. In addition, by introducing an Interdependent Safety Culture, the number of abnormal events in the case company decreased from 87 to 61 in Year 1 and from 61 to 38 in Year 2. These results confirmed that the safety culture of the case company was slowly evolving from an independent culture to an interdependent safety culture. Keywords: petrochemical industry, safety culture, safety culture model, interdependent safety cultureen_US
dc.subjectpetrochemical industryen_US
dc.subjectsafety cultureen_US
dc.subjectsafety culture modelen_US
dc.subjectinterdependent safety cultureen_US
dc.titleThe Study on the Introduce of the Interdependent Safety Culture into Workplaceen_US