標題: 台灣IC設計業併購後之競爭力分析
The Research on Competitive Analysis for Taiwan IC Design Industry after Merger and Acquisition
作者: 蔡榮吉
Tsai, Jung-Chi
Chen, Pei-Hua
關鍵字: IC設計;合併;競爭力;IC design house;M&A;competitiveness
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究探討台灣IC設計業併購後之競爭力分析。在競爭激烈的IC設計產業,生命週期短、新產品推出速度是決定性的關鍵因素,合併是企業快速成長的常見方式。近年來台灣IC設計業整併風潮興起,或是購入產品線,都是為了能在大者恆大的市場中佔有一席之地,尤其在中國業者崛起後,市場競爭更趨激烈。 然而所有的併購,不全然能達到原先預期的目標或效益,因此,本研究透過問卷方式,檢視合併前後各項指標與競爭力變化,探討整體競爭之效益。 經研究發現,合併前後,員工素質和技術相關選項,是影響競爭力的關鍵因素,而企業在合併後,對技術類的因素,重視程度則顯著提高。
This study analyzed the competitiveness after IC design industry’s mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities. Short product life cycles and the frequency of new product introduction are key factors that may affect the performance of IC design companies in the highly competitive market. To many businesses, M&A is a common strategy to promote fast growth. Over the past few years, M&A activities or the purchase of product lines have become fairly popular approaches that allow companies to secure a place in a market where advantages and resources are constantly acquired by large businesses. This situation is especially true after the rise of the Chinese market which stimulates competition in the IC design industry. However, M&A activities are not always guaranteed to be successful in accomplishing a company’s goals or generating projected profits. Therefore, this study examines companies’ indicators of competitiveness by using questionnaires and discusses the overall performance of the market before and after M&A activities. Research results show that employee quality and technology-related aspects before and after M&A activities are the keyfactors that determine the competitiveness of a company. After M&A, companies tend to place significant emphasis on technological developments.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463116