標題: 臺灣地區上市櫃海運公司之分項效率
Disaggregate Efficiency of Listing Shipping Companies in Taiwan
作者: 洪司宇
Hung, Szu-Yu
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 資料包絡分析法;海運公司;分項效率;Data envelopment analysis;Shipping companies;Disaggregate efficiency
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 全球進出口貿易頻繁,其中又以貨物運輸主要以海上運輸為主,根據聯合國國際貿易暨發展委員會的統計,全球有高達80%的國際貿易是在海上進行,就臺灣而言,商品貿易總運輸量高達99%都是透過海上運輸,因此有必要對臺灣上市櫃海運公司的經營效率進行深入探討。本論文採用資料包絡分析法來評估臺灣10家上市櫃海運公司2006年至2015年間共10年的分項效率。本論文之投入項為薪資費用及非薪資費用,產出項則是業內收入跟業外收入,環境變數為成立年限、經營型態及貿易總量。本論文之主要發現如下:(1)臺灣地區上市櫃海運公司在投入效率方面表現皆優於產出效率。(2)產出效率部分,貨櫃航運之海運公司業內收入效率較佳,散裝航運之海運公司業外收入效率較佳。(3)投入效率部分,成立越久的公司在薪資費用效率部分較有改善之空間,貿易量越大的公司在非薪資費用效率較有改善之空間。
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) indicates that percentage global international trade on the sea is approximately 80%. It also shows that the maritime industry plays an important role in the international trade. The percentage of trade of import and export for maritime transportation in Taiwan is approximately 99%, implying that the shipping industry is therefore important to Taiwan. This study applies the data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach to compute the disaggregate efficiency of 10 listing shipping companies in Taiwan during 2006-2015. Two input variables include salary and wages and operating expenses excluding salary and wages. The two output variables are operating income and total non-operating income. Years, business type, and trade volume are three environmental variables. The major findings are as follows: (1) The disaggregated input efficiencies of listing shipping companies in Taiwan are better than their disaggregated output efficiencies. (2) Container shipping companies perform well in efficiency of operating income; however, bulk shipping companies perform well in efficiency of total non-operating income. (3) Shipping companies which have established longer perform worse in efficiency of salary and wages. Besides, efficiency of operating expenses excluding salary and wages decreases with a shipping company’s trade volume.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453706
Appears in Collections:Thesis