Title: | 物聯網時代下台灣嵌入式處理器公司競爭策略之 Competitive Strategies for Taiwanese CPU IP Companies in IoT Era: |
Authors: | 王光亨 朱博湧 Wang, Guang-Heng Chu, Po-Young 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 物聯網;嵌入式系統;矽智財;嵌入式處理器;IOT;Embedded system;SIP;Embedded CPU |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 過去數十年,資通科技帶給了人類生活二次的大革新。第一次
是電腦(CPU、memory 等)的出現,帶來產品的生產和管理的變革。
系統最重要的核心矽智財就是32 位元嵌入式微處理器,該產業的
領導廠商ARM 因於2006 年底被SoftBank 併購而備受矚目。
個案公司和 ARM 同樣選擇耕耘32 位元嵌入式微處理器,係亞
洲第一家32 位元嵌入式處理器授權公司,於2017 年3 月14 日在台
理器產業的六力分析和個案公司SWOT 分析,以物聯網的浪潮和
平台化的趨勢已然展開,因此應建構應用式IP 平台;2.應有明確
的CPU 技術發展藍圖;3.應發展合宜的權利金稽核模式。 There are two major changes of our lives brought about by information and communication technologies (“ICTs”) in the past decades. First, the invention of computers has led to the reform of production and management. Second, the invention of the internet has significantly changed the way people conduct business. However, the foregoing changes hardly change the nature of products. The Internet of Things (“IoT”) has brought another dramatic change in recent years by using existed ICTs and integrating different functions of products systematically. IoT has brought the expanded capabilities of smart, connected products and the prodigious amount of new (and sensitive) data they generate. We can foresee there will be new products, services and business models in emerging markets of IoT. The business opportunities will be huger than ever before. From perspectives of the semiconductor industry, IoT stems from three critical components: embedded computing system, communication devices and sensors. The most important silicon IP for IoT is 32 bit CPU IP. As the biggest 32 bit CPU IP provider in the world, ARM Holdings has been acquired by SoftBank at the end of 2006. In the same industry as ARM, A company is the first company which offers license of its 32 bit CPU IP in Asia and went public successfully on March 14 in Taiwan. This thesis takes a case study of A company’s past path toward IPO based on information generally available in the public domain. Facing the challenges and opportunities brought by IoT and the rapidly rising of China’s semiconductor industry, the goal of this research is to provide suggestions to A company on how to go forward with a right strategy through six forces analysis of the 32 bit CPU IP industry and SWOT analysis of A company. Three suggestions have been made for A company: 1. To build IP platform for certain chosen application because the future of SIP is there. 2. To plan specific technology roadmap that matches short-term and long-term goals. 3. To develop an efficient royalty audit mechanism. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463070 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140797 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |