Title: 電玩遊戲螢幕視角空間之設計研究
The Research on Screen-mediated Eye Space Design of Video Games
Authors: 張宇晴
Chang, Yu-Ching
Hsieh, Chi-Min
Keywords: 螢幕視角空間;遊戲空間;玩家角色;電影空間;遊戲設計;screen-mediated eye space;game space;player character;cinematic space;game design
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 電玩遊戲中的螢幕視角空間,定義出玩家如何觀看遊戲空間,同時也將玩家自現實中的世界,移轉進入虛擬的遊戲空間,為一重要的中間樞紐;不僅是直接塑造外觀的視覺手法,也決定玩家與遊戲空間互動的模式及角色身份,更進一步影響遊戲的進行,然而,在過去的相關論述當中,卻經常被簡略帶過,尚未有深入的探討,而遊戲空間與螢幕視角之間的關係,也經常被混為一談。因此,本研究將深入探討遊戲中的螢幕視角空間設計,試圖為遊戲研究注入新的思維方向。 本研究彙整相關文獻資料後,展開三個階段的分析與研究:首先,針對遊戲的螢幕視角空間部分,透過文本分析的方式,為其定義出基本的設計語彙與分析的架構,以用於後續的內容分析。而第二階段主要探討螢幕視角空間的設計取向,以382款年度熱門排行榜上的遊戲,進行量化與質化的內容分析,探討螢幕視角空間與遊戲空間、類型和機制、以及不同遊戲平台之關聯性。第三階段則著重在螢幕視角空間的功能性面向,有鑑於電影空間與遊戲空間兩者的緊密相似性與關聯性,本研究採用比較分析的方式,將電影運鏡手法中的功能性取景,與遊戲的螢幕視角空間設計進行比較。 本研究的分析結果,能對遊戲關卡中的路線設計,提供較為自然又精準的引導,提升遊戲的視覺層次;對內容和故事層面,也能有更深層、更具張力的描繪與表現手法;並指出設計的常態與可創性,不僅為日後的遊戲設計提供重要的參考,更可作為電影拍攝及相關研究的參考依據。隨著遊戲電影化的趨勢,遊戲與電影之間的改編越趨頻繁,本研究也從螢幕視角空間設計的角度,提出可應用的參考建議。
The screen-mediated eye space defines not only the appearance of a game but also the ways in which players engage during gameplay in the virtual gaming worlds. However, from the past literature and research, the notion of the screen-mediated eye space has rarely been looked at closely or clearly, nor does it have a common language and understanding. Bearing this in mind, this research study aims to investigate the design of screen-mediated eye space in video games and attempts to provide insights into the game analysis. Our study design includes three stages of analysis. In the first stage, to examine the screen-mediated eye space in depth and define the basic concepts and relations in the ontology by using textual analysis. This approach served as the analytical framework for the next stage. In the second stage, we conducted a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of 382 popular, ranked video games. We focused on the relations between the screen-mediated eye space and other game design elements, such as the physical game space, genres, core mechanics, and game platforms. Finally, the third stage concerned the functionality aspect. In view of the fact that game space and cinematic space have a close resemblance, we used a comparative approach to study the functional framing in both media. The results of this research provide useful insights on how to better present the visual guidance and the narrative emotions in gameplay with the design of screen-mediated eye space. Moreover, this work has pointed out the design patterns and the possibilities that can serve as important references for not only game design but also filmmaking and related research. With the growing trends of film and video game adaptations, we also laid out some suggestions in a more practical sense.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079942806
Appears in Collections:Thesis