标题: 眼科雷射设备之产业分析
An Industry Analysis of Laser Ophthalmic equipment
作者: 蔡宜君
关键字: 医疗器材;产业创新需求要素;眼科雷射;产业组合分析;创新政策;Laser Ophthalmic Equipment;Industrial Innovation Resources;Medical Device Industry;Industrial Portfolio Analysis;Innovation Policy
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究之主要架构以产业组合分析为基础,建构眼科雷射医疗器材产业之竞争策略,以市场成长曲线与医疗器材产业价值链为区隔变数。透过此一分析区隔出眼科雷射医疗器材产业之定位,并利用产业创新需求要素分析模式及产业专家之意见调查,分析归纳出发展中眼科雷射医疗器材产业的关键成功要素,提出眼科雷射医疗器材产业未来发展的可能经营策略。
This thesis reports on a strategic analysis of the laser ophthalmic equipment in the medical divice industry. A portfolio model is used to assess the strategic positioning entailing a 2-dimensional analysis, containing market s-curve (vertical axis) and the value chain (horizontal). Three research methods used for data collection are literature review, expert interview, and general survey.
Research results reveal that laser ophthalmic equipment in the medical divice industry are positioned between the growing phase of the market s-curve, and also located at the area between R&D and manafaturing in the value chain. The future prospects should be more toward at the position of the market application phase, and base on the research and development results and manufacturing experience to move to the market applications phase.
Evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and Policy Tools leads to a conclusion that the most critical categories of policy instruments are “Support of innovation from the all Nation”, “The ability to design innovation”, “Research units with integration capabilities”, “Design R & D and cost monitoring”, “International market development staff”, “Requires long-term investment and financing system and relief”. The corresponding policy instruments in support of developing IIRs are provided in the conclusion of this thesis.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453502