標題: 消費者對使用手機遊戲app滿意度與忠誠度之探討
An Exploratory Study on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Consumers to Use the Mobile Game Applications
作者: 李思璇
Lee, Szu-Hsuan
Chen, Guang-Hwa
關鍵字: 科技接受模式;手機遊戲app;使用經驗;使用方便性;介面簡單性;遊戲公平性;顧客滿意度;消費者忠誠度;TAM model;mobile game applications;convenience of usage;interface simplicity;game fairness;customer satisfaction;consumer loyalty
公開日期: 2017
摘要:   現代人為了生活不斷認真努力地工作,工作壓力越來越大,許多人被工作壓得喘不過氣,這時候就需要找個適當的管道好好地發洩、放鬆心情,以免心理壓力太大而生病,而手機遊戲app就是一個很好的抒壓管道。隨著網路越來越發達,智慧型手機也跟著越來越蓬勃地發展,人手一支手機已經成為常態,低頭族越來越多也已經不是新聞,手機app更是一直不斷地推陳出新。   而顧客滿意度為影響消費者購買決策的重要因素,所以遊戲開發商所設計之遊戲應致力於達到顧客滿意度,若玩家對該遊戲擁有相當高的滿意度,則在未來該玩家可能就會有相對較高的忠誠度,並有較高的意願去繼續遊玩該遊戲,進而使遊戲開發商能夠長期獲利,故本研究希望能夠探討哪些外部變數會影響消費者對手機遊戲app的滿意度與忠誠度。   本研究以Davis學者於1989年所提出的科技接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)為研究架構,將手機遊戲app使用經驗、產品特性(使用方便性、介面簡單性、以及遊戲公平性)作為外生變數,並利用線上問卷之方式進行問卷調查,最終整體之有效問卷為515份,本研究採用Amos21統計軟體,以應用結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)來分析本研究架構之模型關聯性。   結果發現,消費者之遊戲app使用經驗對知覺有用性無顯著影響、對知覺易用性有顯著影響,而產品特性對知覺有用性及知覺易用性皆有顯著影響,知覺易用性對知覺有用性有顯著影響,而知覺有用性及知覺易用性皆對顧客滿意度有顯著影響,且顧客滿意度對消費者忠誠度亦有顯著之影響。
  Nowadays, people need to work hard to earn a living. Their work pressure is increasing, and many people are overwhelmed by work. So it needs to find a proper way to relax, and mobile game application is a good way to release emotions. Owing to advances in technology, mobile phones have become more popular, and there are a great number of applications.   Customer satisfaction is an important factor that would influence consumers’ purchasing decisions, so the game developers should be devoted to design the games which would achieve customer satisfaction. The higher the customer satisfaction, then the player may have relatively higher loyalty in the future, and the higher the willingness to continue to play the game. Thus enabling the game developers to make great profit in the long term. So I hope this study can explore which external variables would affect consumer satisfaction and loyalty to the mobile game apps.   This study adopts the TAM model proposed by Davis (1989) as the research framework and organizes the variables with external variables such as user experience, product properties (convenience of usage, interface simplicity & game fairness). The data for this research has been collected by using an online questionnaire and gathered 515 valid responses. The study applied SEM using Amos 21 software to analyze overall model relationship.   This study finds out that there is no difference in user experience to perceived usefulness, but user experience positively influences perceived ease of use. Product properties positively influence both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, and perceived ease of use positively influences perceived usefulness. Both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use positively influence customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction positively influences consumer loyalty.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453722
Appears in Collections:Thesis