標題: 科技金融的破壞式創新與金融產業的平台化轉型
The Disruptive Innovation in FinTech and the Impacts on Platform Transformation of Financial Industry
作者: 林燕琇
Lin, Yen-Hsiu
Cheng, Li-Ping
Huang, Yi-Hou
關鍵字: 金融科技生態系;獲利模式;平台經濟;價值創新;線上線下虛實整合;Fintech ecosystem;Profit model;Platform economy;Value innovation;Integration online to offline
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 行動科技硬體軟體發展迅速,數位金融的浪潮來襲啟動了金融業的創新革命,金融科技為傳統金融帶來衝擊及挑戰,金融產業是否可透過跨界合作及整合既有資源的平台模式,發展線上及實體通路共同營銷,轉型成為新金融經濟生態系。 本文研究以市場(Market)、法規(Institution)、科技(Technology)典範為主要分析架構,探討傳統金融在Market-Institution-Technology三大面向所面臨的限制及挑戰,如何透過Market-Institution-Technology推進傳統金融以現有的優勢變成轉型的驅動力,透過平台經濟思維建立轉換機制,創造新金融經濟生態系。 金融產業遇到科技去中介化的衝擊,需透過金融基礎建設為根基,打造金融與科技結合的平台化轉型,以新形態的金融為核心,觸發平台雙方或多方的互動,讓各產業與金融物物相聯的擴散式發展,發揮乘數效果,形成線上到線下共同營銷的新金融經濟生態系。 『串聯Market-Institution-Technology才能產生驅動改變的力量』, FinTech並非只是科技或技術的投入,而是思維的改變。金融產業透過營運模式改變、政府制度的變革、技術創新三方面相互的驅動,讓金融產業價值創新,發揮企業家精神。
As the mobile technology hardware and software developing rapidly, the wave of digital finance launched the innovation of financial industry. The Fintech waves are indeed impacting and challenging the traditional finance. The purpose of this study was to explore the financial industry could transform to a new financial ecosystem through cross-border cooperation as well as the platform mode of integrating existing resource, develop both online and offline marketing jointly, are needed to research. This study uses Market, Institution and Technology model as the main framework of analysis, exploring the limitations and challenges the traditional finance faced in the three dimension of Market-Institution-Technology. The point is to discover the driving forces that transforming the existed advantages of traditional finance and to design a new fintech ecosystem by the transformation mechanism underline the thinking of platform economy. The financial industry meets the impacts of disintermediation from science and technology. It needs to construct financial infrastructure as the foundation to create a transformation platform through the combination of finance and technology. And trigger the interaction between two or many sides of the platform, with a new form of finance as the core. Drive the diffuse development between finance and associated industries and give a multiplier effect, forming a new financial ecosystem which marketing includes online and offline jointly. “Connecting Market-Institution-Technology together could generate the power that drives for changes.” Fintech is not simply the input of science or technologies, but the change of thoughts. Drive though the three reciprocal aspects of the changing of operation model, the reforming of institutions, the innovating of technologies and the financial industries renovate its values and the Entrepreneurial Spirit.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463905
Appears in Collections:Thesis