Title: 金融監理與金融科技之法遵科技應用服務模式研究
Financial Supervision and RegTech: An Application of Service Model
Authors: 蔡容玟
Tsai, Jung-Wen
Cheng, Li-Ping
Keywords: 金融監理;金融科技;法遵科技;M-I-T理論;Business Canva商業模式;Financial Supervision;FinTech;RegTech;M-I-T Theory;Business Canvas Model
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 科技持續不斷地進化,為企業及消費者帶來新的利益,同時衝擊現有的傳統金融產業,改變傳統金融商業模式,因而須重新定義金融服務的態樣,也重塑了金融生態體系,更進而帶來風險,影響現有的監理體制,包括從金融科技策略及法令制度到金融消費者保護,在發展創新、適當監理及消費者保護間尋求新的衡平方式及如何運用新科技方法協助監理者及受監管者成為高度關注的話題。   本研究以市場 (M)、制度(I)及技術 (T)構成的M-I-T理論為基礎,由組織(Organization)中的企業家(Entrepreneur)擔任金融科技創新發展的邏輯性整合者,運用破壞性創新科技(Technology)進入並主導市場(Market),並經由市場競爭轉化原有的結構與制度(Institution),藉由市場 (M)、制度(I)及技術 (T)三者的共通性及互補性,相輔相成地促進金融科技產業的發展,另將該理論結合商業模式(Business Canvas),提出法遵科技的新應用服務模式並進行個案分析,找到市場、技術或制度面的突破點,探討在金融科技中之法遵科技,如何運用新科技達到監管目的及藉由新科技突破現況,以新應用服務模式讓監理者與金融業者節省成本,亦讓新創(startup)業者能以此獲利。   本研究認為金融監管不應該阻礙金融科技及經濟的發展,應該思考的是如何促進金融科技與產業發展及兼顧消費者保護,法遵科技除能幫助監理者及受監管者優化進行法令遵循外,更重要的是法令遵循思維的改變,法遵科技應該以更積極性的方式被重新定義,法令制度應有被突破可能性,讓「科技」入「法」,「科技」不僅僅是在幫助企業遵循法令,而應該是讓「法」有容納科技發展的空間,政府應該支持正在尋求開創性的金融科技及扶植發展提供與現有不同的金融商品或服務之新創企業。
Because the advancement of technology, we use FinTech as the breakthrough point. FinTech is creating new benefits for businesses and consumers, but also posing new risks. FinTech is overhauling existing business models in financial services and transforming the financial system. Supervisors have to develop appropriate strategies to capitalize on its benefits and mitigate its risks. Understanding and taking steps to ensure that a proper balance exists between the promise of innovation and the right of consumers. Based on the M-I-T theory, the Entrepreneurs as the logical integrator take innovative technologies to transform market structure and competition. Furthermore, they used the power of marketing and FinTech to change the law due to that the government regulations affect market activity. The Government helps for these businesses to understand the regulatory framework and how it applies to them. Furthermore our Government has to provide innovators with support to navigate the regulatory system and promote competition in the interest of consumers. Our Government support to innovator businesses that are looking to introduce groundbreaking or significantly different FinTech, financial products or services to the market.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070163917
Appears in Collections:Thesis