標題: 非灰之道-牴峙建築的不完整
The Way beyond Neither-Nor --The Fragmentation of The Resistant Architecture
作者: 李健功
Lee, Chieng-Kung
Kung, Shu-Chang
關鍵字: 環境心理學;場所精神;衝突;邊界;Environmental Psychology;Genius Loci;Conflict;Boundary
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本論文探討的主軸在於闡釋「人類心理是如何形塑場所?」與「場所如何影響人類的空間體驗?」之間密不可分的循環關係,並試圖找出「發生在日常生活中之建築特異現象其根本原因為何?」,藉此進一步提出針對從場所、建築到城市空間營造的改善見解。 構想動機來自於「任何一種環境都擁有各自的角力運作系統」,這些系統都具有至少兩種以上的力量在左右著該環境之樣貌應當如何成形。舉地貌為例,外營力與內營力是形塑地形的兩種基本力量,而此兩者也決定了不同地貌之輪廓與邊界;同理,人與環境之間的角力也是形塑空間的兩種變因。兩種以上的力量彼此相互衝擊的抵抗情節是筆者長期渴求的狀態。 然而本論文想探究的環境衝突之邊界,大部分在於「人際之間各種形式之空間角力行為」,像是公共與私有空間彼此的拉鋸、經濟效益與永續發展議題之權衡、場所安全與人身自由的兩難以及新舊去留的取捨標準等,各種變因所導致之空間角力將主宰場所形式。 建築並非僅僅體現實質空間之機能需求,其背後主要反應出人際間的空間心理戰。 建立在環境心理學的基礎上,人如何描述空間與環境反映出周遭事物對人的影響方式,當然每個人描述之方式各有異,對環境的陳述也會有清楚與否的疑慮,但這並不妨害環境心理學之探討,因為這門學問較偏重在人,環境次之,空間描述不清,也許隱射的是空間特性不明,而非人類缺乏對環境的感知。欲建立場所認同得先懂得清楚描繪週遭事物之構成特徵。 本論文想藉由筆者所操作過的設計案例,探討環境中力量之間是如何相互抗衡?抗衡之際又是如何形塑建築空間?並且針對「如何調和場所力量之間的平衡關係」提出個人想法。
The point of the thesis is to explain the relationship between " How human psychology creates places" and " How the place influences the experience of human " which affect each other so much, and try to find out why some strange phenomena of architecture happen in our daily life. The thesis will show the point of view about such problems and make an opinion on how to make our places, architecture and cities better. The inspiration is from the concept that each environment has its own forming system where there are forces conflict with each other. There are two forces at least which affect the forming way of an environment in each system. Take landscapes as an example, there are external agents and internal agents which form landscapes. The result also shows the boundary between two forces. Similarly, the conflict between human and nature goes in the same way. The condition that forces conflict is what the author seeks for. However, the thesis is focused on the boundary which is formed by the conflict of human occupying the space, such as the allocation of privacy and public space, the consideration of the development and the sustainable issue, the balance between the security of places and the personal freedom, and even the decision about what should be preserved. All reasons which results in the conflict of spaces would control the form of the places. Architecture reveals not only the functional requirements of space but the psychological warfare of space . According to the environmental psychology, the way that people describe the environmental space reveals how the space affects people. Actually, people share different skills to describe the environment. Whether or not the description of environments is clear, it doesn't affect the result of environmental psychology. Because the study pays more attention to human than environments, the description of space which isn't precise maybe shows the character of the space isn't clear. It could not be the only reason that human lacks in abilities to sense the environment. It is necessary to describe the character of the environment clearly if we want to create the sense of identity in our place. The thesis will discuss how forces fight in the environment by analyzing the projects which the arthor has, how they form the space of architecture, and give an opinion on how to strike the balance between forces in the place.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070459503
Appears in Collections:Thesis