標題: 延 原創管弦樂作品與註釋
作者: 黃麒瑞
Huang, Chi-Ruei
Lee, Tzyy-Sheng
關鍵字: 管弦樂曲創作;「非常態」編制;室內樂作品創作;composition of orchestra;“nonnormal” composition;chamber pieces composition
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 《延》為一首單樂章「非常態」編制之管弦樂作品。作品名稱「延」取其「延續、持續」之意,於本曲中的表現方式為「延伸」自舞台上音樂家入場時,聽眾掌聲結束後剎那的「寧靜」,並以此寧靜作為樂曲發展的起始,接著「延伸」至樂曲結束後觀眾鼓掌前再次的「寧靜」。樂曲架構為緊密連接的七個段落,各段設計了依「樂器特色」找出的七個音做為中心音,音高素材則以該七音作為動機使用。 文字陳述分為五個章節:第一章「《延》之創作理念」為闡述本作品理念之出發點與想法核心;第二章「室內樂作品之創作經驗」為檢視三首舊作之內容並討論影響《延》甚深的理念與手法;第三章「《延》之「非常態」編制與其特色」為詳述「非常態」編製之理念與實際運用方式;第四章「《延》之創作手法」為詳述《延》的創作手法;第五章「結論」為對《延》與我之間的關係,與自我學習作曲後階段性的總結。
EXTENDING is a single-movement “abnormal” composition for orchestra, and the title, EXTENDING, takes the meaning of continuity and durability. The main idea of this piece is taking the silence after the audiences finished their welcoming applause while the musicians go on stage as the beginning of this piece, and extend this silence all the way to another silence, which occurs right before the applause of the audience after the performance, and treat it as the end of the piece. The compositional structure of this piece has seven parts, and each of them are connected tightly. Each part consists of a set of seven notes that were designed according to the characteristics of each instruments. The pitch materials of each parts were then designed according to these note sets. This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter 1 elaborates the compositional incentives and inner thoughts behind the piece. Chapter 2 is a review of three former works of the composer and discuss the inspiration and techniques which influenced the piece. Chapter 3 illustrates the core idea and practical application of “abnormal” composition. Chapter 4 will take further inspections towards the techniques of this composition. Chapter 5 is the conclusion, which further stress the relationship between EXTENDING, me, and my periodic conclusion of self-learning composition.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159304
Appears in Collections:Thesis