Title: 巴拿馬課後研習中心的商業計劃
Business Plan for After School Study Centers in Panama
Authors: 羅燕妮
Yeni, Loo Chung
YingChan, Edwin Tang
Keywords: 課後活動;學習中心;課後輔導中;商業計劃;After School Activities;Study Center;Homework Center;Business Plan
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本商業計劃之目的在於介紹巴拿馬課後研讀中心及課業中心的商業模式觀念。依現況而言,拉丁美洲教育系統的管理不善,導致學生在普遍知識能力相較於已開發國家如芬蘭、加拿大、日本、星加坡等相對受限。
The purpose of this business plan is to introduce the business model concept for after school study centers or homework centers in Panama. Currently, in the Latin American market due to mismanagements in the educational system, the level of general knowledge among students is limited in comparison with educational systems in developed countries such as Finland, Canada, Japan, Singapore, among others. As result, negative outcomes such as deficit in fundamental subjects, poor academic performance in students, lack of cultural knowledge and motivation. In the long term, these issues will influence the development of the future generations in our society.
This proposal from an academic perspective has the objective to improve the quality of education in students from elementary school in Panama. This is the fundamental core where learning and the keen of interest begins. Also, to bring improvements and updates to researches on this field.
From a managerial perspective, to provide specific and useful information that could be crucial for the business model in this emerging market. In addition, it aims to contribute additional insights to the management of the educational system and to show the progress in the industry.
The study was performed by collecting quantitative data through a questionnaire addressed to parents of children who are enrolled in Panamanian schools. With these results in hand, the data collected was run through a statistical analysis in order to understand the market and develop entry strategies. In specific, the research study is to discover if there is a potential customer segment or demand for homework centers in Panama and to understand consumer needs, behavior (past experiences and attitudes) and then conclude with a business proposal.
Furthermore, based on the research conducted, the profitability of this business concept is feasible, due to the increasing demand of customers seeking for better quality of education as long as the homework center provides the main four attributes discovered: convenient location, certify and qualified personnel, affordable prices, and measure the performance and improvement of its students.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453034
Appears in Collections:Thesis