標題: 走出洞
Out of the Cave
作者: 林宇涵
Lin, Yu-Han
Chen, I-Ping
關鍵字: 自我覺察;真實;繪本;複合媒材;Self-awareness;Truth;Picture book;Mixed media
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 此為記錄我個人展覽創作之過程與發想背景的論文,記錄一段自身生命經驗的悸動、掙扎,而作品亦隨著這段生命經驗被醞釀而誕生。 本人認為藝術創作是一連串、不間斷地對於自我生命的反思與生命軌跡。每時每刻的生命狀態皆不相同,也容易因著外在事物變化而大幅度改變;如果想要清楚地看到自己未來的樣貌,只有執著緊緊抓著某個軸心不放手地走下去。身而為人都會自然而然朝著美好的方向前進,而我想這個軸心即是「美」與「真實」。 「走出洞」是動態的、有時間性的,或許是對於還在洞內狀態的提醒,或許是正要走出洞的矛盾、掙扎與決心,也可能是出洞之後會回顧的一段經驗。此篇論文以個人展覽—「走出洞」為主題,述說我自己走出洞穴的過程。而走出洞穴也是尋找自我以及生命軸心的過程。 創作動機從自身的矛盾問題開始,探討人的生命當中應當追尋的事物為何?再以本身經歷以及相關作品提出相較於虛幻、狹隘與表象的事物,尋找真實的美應為為生命中最重要的目標。 「走出洞」是個人展覽,但也不僅僅是展覽,也是察覺自我的一種方式。而洞外有洞,我們隨時都得保持自我覺察並擁有走向洞外的勇氣。
This thesis is a record of the creating process of art works in my solo exhibition and also the background of thoughts development. It records the throbbing and struggle parts of my life experience, and my art works were also brewed and born because of them. I think creating art works is continuous, unceasing life introspection and also like a life track. Life condition varies easily with time and external world. If we want to see how we look like in the future clearly, the only thing we can do is to seize our life axis tightly when moving forward. As human beings, we naturally move forward in the direction of good, and I think the life axis is “beauty” and “truth”. “Out of the Cave” is dynamic and time dependent. It might describe either the reminder of in-cave condition; or the contradiction, struggling and determination when about going outward of the cave; or an experience after going out of the cave. This thesis is themed with my solo exhibition “Out of the Cave”, narrating the process of going out of my own caves. It is also the process of self-finding and discovering my life axis. The motivation of creation started with my own contradiction, discussing what are the things people have to seek in lifetime. Through self-experiences and related art works, I propose the idea that comparing to the illusory narrow and superficial things, seeking true beauty should be the most important goal in life. “Out of the Cave” is a solo exhibition, but more than that. It was also a way of self-awareness. There are always caves outside one cave, and having self-awareness and courage at all times is necessary.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259220