標題: 薄膜電晶體設備採購評準決策之研究
An Analysis of Sourcing Criteria of TFT Equipment
作者: 陳羿帆
Chen, Yi-Fan
Li, Yung-Ming
關鍵字: 採購管理;層級分析法;分析網路程序法;Purchasing management;Analytic Hierarchy Process;Analytic Network Process
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 對消費性電子產品的製造企業而言,生產設備的購入成本,是企業產品總生產成本最主要的貢獻來源之一。實務上,同一類型設備可能有兩家以上的供應商提供,而每種設備因製造特性差異也將影響產品的品質、良率、及產品在市場上價格的定位。足見採購管理中,評選合適的供應商即顯得非常重要。 本研究即針對薄膜電晶體前段設備採購之決策要素,透過文獻探討、設備評選參考及專家訪談,發展出設備採購決策模型。應用AHP&ANP法對於設備採購決策之相關作業人員,包括:研發、採購、財務、工程、製造等單位進行問卷調查,經過計算得出影響前段設備採購之評估準則權重,可供企業做為最適方案的評估參考,最後的研究結果證實本研究模式的可行性,並可做為個案研究之設備採購決策依據。 在本研究中的各項評估準則中,『技術瓶頸突破』、『市場份額比例』、『設備交期掌握』 為相對較高權重的評估要素,權重佔全部12項評估準則的50% 以上。再進一步進行ANP相依性建立及分群探討發現,在各評估因素群集化後,『市場份額比例』、『技術瓶頸突破』、『設備交期掌握』仍是相對較高權重值的評估準則,權重比例仍佔了 30% 以上,但與 AHP 不同的是,其權重的排名有了變化,原本位居第二名的「市場份額比例」竄升至第一名,且其他各準則的整體權重值均有上升,由此部份可以推估製程設備規格會受到市場趨勢的帶動而調整,相關設備採購的核決主管應該考量消費者端的需求,再做最適當的生產產能規劃。 關鍵字:採購管理、層級分析法、分析網路程序法。
For production of consumer electronics products companies ,the procurement cost of its production equipments is usually one of the main sources of the total cost for the business products. Practically, the production equipment required for relatively mature consumer electronics products company may have more than two suppliers of the same type of equipment. The differences in manufacturing characteristics will also affect the product quality, yield rate, even the pricing in the market. Therefore, in purchasing management, how to carefully select the appropriate supplier of production equipment products is very important. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a business decision-making model of TFT-LCD front-end equipment procurement, through reviewing relevant literature on equipment selection and expert interview. We use AHP and ANP to conduct a questionnaire survey from those people in charge for equipment procurement supplier decision-making, including equipment manufacturers, procurement, engineering, manufacturing and other units. After calculating the weight of the criteria used to evaluate the impact of front-end equipment procurement suppliers, the final results can be used to confirm the feasibility of this model and used as the basis of decision-making in the case study of equipment procurement. Among the evaluation criteria in this thesis, the "breakthrough of technical bottleneck ", "market share ratio" and "equipment delivery ratio" are the relatively high weight evaluation factors, accounting for half of the total 12 assessment criteria. Further constructing ANP’s dependencies and grouping, after grouping the evaluation criteria, the "market share ratio", "technical bottleneck breakthrough", "equipment delivery master" is still a relatively high weight value of the evaluation criteria for more than 30%. Unlike AHP, the weight of the ranking has changed, originally ranked second in the "market share ratio" rose to the first, and the overall weight of the other criteria are all rose, which can be estimated the process equipment specifications will be driven by market trends and adjustment, the relevant equipment procurement manager should consider the needs of consumer-side, do the most appropriate production capacity planning. Key word: Purchasing management, Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP, Analytic Network Process,ANP
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463426