标题: 应用关键链管理改善专案时程的绩效–个案研究
Improve Project Management Performance by Using Critical Chain Project Management : A case study
作者: 张欣怡
Chang, Hsin-Yi
Li, Rong-Kwei
关键字: 专案管理;限制理论;关键链;Project management;Theory of Constraints (TOC);Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 执行专案管理的目的,是希望能透过有效率的管理方式,让专案能如期如质的达成目标。由于个案公司已经尝试过市面上普遍的专案管理系统,却都苦于无法有效改善专案达交率。Dr.Goldratt提出的TOC关键链方法,在坊间已被广泛应用,且获得相当不错的评价,因此,想尝试把TOC关键链导入公司,并以一个新产品专案去验证此方法的有效性。验证结果,个案公司的专案开发时程成功的缩减40%,由原订的246天,缩短为149天,也因为专案开发流程被有效控管,让专案经理可以及时掌握专案进度,提前评估因应措施,并做对的产品决策,提升整体的开发效益,让原先预期只有50%的专案准时达交率提升为90%,产品如期上市后,成功地增加公司营收与获利。
The purpose of processing project management is to expect through the more efficiency project management methods to make our project reach our goal quicker and better. In this case this company had already tried most of the available project management system on the market. But all of them couldn't usefully improve the project reach rate. The famous method that Dr. Goldratt provided which is " Theory of Constraints (TOC)" have been used in the field widely. Therefore we are trying to implement this method “Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)” to this company, and using a new product to verify the result of this new method. Finally, according to the experiment data it proved that the new product's R&D cycle time reduce 40%, from the original 246 days reduced to 149 days. And due to the new product R&D process been more efficiency controlled, the project manager could handle the project's status more precisely. They got more time to prepare when some accident happened. By the way they had increased their reach rate from originally predicted 50% to 90%, make the new product launch onto the market on time. It successfully increased the revenue and profit to the company.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079963524