標題: 以Kano二維品質模式分析聽覺障礙者對智慧型手機品質特性之偏好
Applying Kano Model to Explore the Preferences of Quality Characteristics of Smart Phones for Hearing Impairments
作者: 許致軒
Tong, Lee-Ing
Hrong, Ruey-Yun
關鍵字: Kano二維品質模式;智慧型手機;聽覺障礙者;品質偏好;問卷調查;Kano Two-dimensional Quality Model;Smart Phone;Hearing Impairment;Quality Preference;Questionnaire Survey
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究利用Kano二維品質模式及問卷調查法來探討聽覺障礙者對智慧型手機特性的偏好。本研究透過實體及網路問卷方式針對台灣聽覺障礙者發放100份問卷,共回收有效問卷87份。問卷分析之重要結果歸納如下: 1.隨聽覺障礙程度不同,聽覺障礙者在意之品質特性亦隨之不同,部分品質特性會隨聽覺障礙程度越嚴重而越受聽覺障礙者越重視,如:手機螢幕尺寸、音樂撥放器音量、有防水防潮、鈴聲/提醒聲音、震動感、手寫辨視能力等品質特性。 2.輕度聽覺障礙者對智慧型手機之品質特性偏好,與一般人並無明顯差別。 3.重度聽覺障礙者因智慧型手機品質特性改善而獲得之滿意度和消除之不滿意度,與其他聽覺障礙者間存有明顯差異。
The objective of this study is to utilize the Kano two-dimensional quality model to investigate preference of the quality characters of smart phones for hearing impairments.questionnaire survey was used as a major method in this study, and 87 of 100 effective responses were received and analyzed. The results were obtained as follows: 1.The preference of some quality characteristics of Smart Phones for Hearing Impairments is positively related with degree of disability.These quality characteristics are : “Screen Size”, “Sound Voice”, ”Waterproof and moisture”, “Bell ring of answering the phone”, “Vibrating” and “Handwriting recognition”. 2.The preference of quality characteristics of smart phones for people who has mild hearing loss is not significantly different from that of normal people. 3.The increased satisfaction and eliminated dissatisfaction on improved quality characteristics for people who has severe hearing loss are significantly different from that of other disability grades of hearing impairments.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363309
Appears in Collections:Thesis