標題: 錯視圖形應用於平面設計中的隱喻分析及創作
Study and Design of Metaphor in Graphic Design with Optical Illusion
作者: 侯佳寧
Hou, Jianing
Chen, I-Ping
關鍵字: 視覺傳達設計;平面設計;錯視;隱喻;graphic design;optical illusion;visual communication design;metaphor
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本論文以分析錯視應用於平面設計中的隱喻性為主,並加以創作成一系列平面設計作品,論文中提出並分析了幾項於平面設計中可用度較高的錯視類別,其中包括:矛盾圖形、多義圖形、大小明暗對比圖形及暗示性圖形,在各類別項目中,將目前現有的平面設計作品加以提出並分析應用可能性,最後將這些可能性實現,創作了一系列錯視設計作品。
The point of this thesis is the metaphor be applied in graphic design with optical illusion. In the first part, there are some analysis between graphic design, metaphor, and illusion. There are four kinds of illusion be analyzed, like impossible graphic, ambiguous figure, contrast illusion, and suggestive graphic. In the analysis, the point is finding the metaphor which can be used in the process of design, and also comparing that works which using metaphor with illusion or not. And in the second part, there are a series of graphic design works, design from the analysis in last part.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259231
Appears in Collections:Thesis