標題: 群眾投資之同儕推薦機制
A Co-Investor Recommendation Mechanism for Crowd Investing
作者: 張菀勻
Chang, Wan-Yun
Lee, Yung-Ming
關鍵字: 群眾投資;共同投資;社群網路;社群推薦;crowd Investing;group investing;social network;recommendation
公開日期: 2018
摘要: 隨數位技術發展,群眾投資平台基於去中介化與風險共享特性,使共同投資再次受到重視。近來共同投資帶來革命性的改變,但此類平台多缺乏能夠輔助使用者透過應用社群網路的力量找到共同投資的投資人並形成群組的機制,因此本研究提出一個應用於群眾投資的社群共投人推薦系統,其中透過社群推薦和信任機制,分析投資人的投資意願、投資人之間的關係與知識方面的社群資本之影響,讓投資人更有效率地找到合適的共同投資人,藉以提升群眾投資的滿意度與使用意願。
With the development of digital technology, the group investment platform is having characteristics, such as de-mediation and risk sharing, so that starting investment has been taken seriously and more easily. The recent group investment has revolutionized, but the lack of such a platform can help users through the power of community networks to find co- investors and form the investing group. This study proposes a co-investor recommendation system for crowd investing, which considers trust mechanism, the analysis of investors' willingness to invest, the relationship between investors, and the knowledge of social capital’s impact. The proposed mechanism can help investors find the right co-investors more efficiently and enhance the satisfaction of the crowd investing and willingness to use.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453410
Appears in Collections:Thesis